The Collection Begins

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It had been weeks since Sirius had heard from his godson and to be frank he was getting worried. Harry never replied to the owls he would send. Some owls even returned with the letters.

"Maybe I could reach Dumbledore?... Yes!" He mumbled.
He tapped his window with his wand and a very small owl landed on his window still.
"Here." The small bird took the letter and flew away.

"Oh, Harry I hope your alright."

Later at Hogwarts, Harry ran his finger against the spine of the book he somehow got back from Hermione to take his mind off the pain searing through his body.

In addition to his newly developed canines or now fangs, In his blood coursed a powerful venom in which he could manipulate to his will. The only things keeping him sane was the reassurance of his counterpart and Luna's presence.
The effect she had on him was wonderful. He was always calm but awfully quiet around her which was most of the time since she was always around. Hermione came up to her one day and asked.

"Do you like him? Like .... Like like him?" A tomato red blush crawled to Luna's face."Ahh so you do."

"Why can't you mind your own business Hermione?"

"You do realize he will never truly love you? Your wasting your time."

"No, she's not." Hermione was taken aback by the sound of Harry's voice.

Luna nor Hermione noticed Harry get up. "She's just doing me a great favour by being with me."


"Luna, Professor Dumbledore requested to see you." Parvati said as she walked into the commons.

"Okay." Luna looked worried at Harry.

"Go my doe."
"Harry stopped calling me that."
"Well your patronous is a Hare and animagus is a rabbit. What do you expect?"
Despite his appearance, he was quite friendly with Luna in public.

Luna walked into the professor's office. It was a very interesting place to be. She let her eyes wander around and didn't notice the professor watching her.

"Like what you see, miss Lovegood?"
"I suppose." She replied not even startled.

"Why did you call me here?"
"Well I need you to give this to Harry."

As Luna made to leave the old man stopped her again.

"My dear please be careful around him."

"Don't worry Headmaster. I trust him."
Later at the Gryffindor commons Luna walked into the room only to find Harry about leaving. He was unaware of her presence but was to talking to someone in a low voice even though no one was in the room.

"Of course I'm taking her. What do you expect? We do need this to be done don't we? I-"

Luna walked into the room and changed her face to one of indifference.Her heart was racing. What did he need to be done and who was he talking to? Harry eyes sparkled with anger before eventually softening.

"Ah! Luna just in time. Come with me." He said with a smile plastered to his face.
"Where to?" She asked clutching the letter in her hands.

Harry didn't reply and continued walking. Luna had no choice but to follow. Meanwhile Sirius Black and Remus Lupin were on a little trip of their own to the forest.

"Can't you just ask Snape to make this potion for-" Sirius was cut off.

They were surprised to hear the voice of two young people no doubt from Hogwarts. One of the voices were unmistakable.

"Harry?" Sirius nodded to Remus.
"You just wait right here." Harry said to Luna.

Forgetting their task the men followed Harry through the thick forest until he finally stopped. Sirius took his time to look at Harry and his appearance greatly disturbed him.

"He's so different." He thought.
Harry smiled a bit as a large white streak rushed past him. Casting a full body bind, the men saw that it was a unicorn.

"What on Earth is he doing?" Sirius asked.
To their utter shock Harry brought out a vial and grinned widely revealing his large fangs. His emerald coloured eyes burning with bloodthirst.

"Oh stop thrashing around." He said sadisticly. "I know you can understand. Cry into this." The horse refused.

"Okay then." With startling strength he lifted the poor things neck up and plunged his teeth into it. Crystal blue streams began to pour from its eyes. Harry only laughed. "I thought you would put up a fight."
Remus winced as he witnessed the animal's silver blood gush through the wound Harry left.

"Ahh well that was quite refreshing." He said wiping the blood away. "The tears are truly of great importance to me be grateful that's the only thing I took and that I'm deciding leave you alive."

Remus held Sirius back to stop him from interfering.
"What do you think you're doing we have to stop him. He could be under the imperius curse!"

"Stop thrashing about Padfoot. It pains me to say this but he isn't. It must be something else. You know werewolves can tell."

They sat in silence waiting for the boy to leave. Sirius knew Remus was right. Remus gasp nearly gave Sirius a heart attack.
"What is it?"He hissed
"The girl with him! She could as wel be in danger!"

"Now where's my doe?" Harry's maniacal voice echoed as he retreated to where he had left Luna.

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