Sing for me...

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Ron barged into the hospital wing which caught Madam Pomfrey by surprise. Harry was still out cold literally.
It was like he was dead, but he was still breathing. Ron laid Harry on the bed as Hermione came in and explained to the nurse.

"Don't worry the headmaster has already explained the situation to me. All staff know. We'll fix him." She then looked at Harry." Hermione can you be a dear and errmm... Cuff him to the bed"
Hermione looked at Ron who only nodded. She did so.

"I'm going to wake him up." Madam Pomfrey said. Ron and Hermione looked at her like she was crazy.
"That's suicide." Ron said.

"Exactly and he won't accept any treatment you try to give him." Said Hermione.

"Don't question me. Trust will do." Madam Pomfrey said.
It was then began to cough up the blood like liquid. This made the nurse back up in fear, then grip her chest like she was having a heart attack. She looked like she was unable to breathe.

"Madam Pomfrey?! Madam Pomfrey!" Ron yelled.
"Is Harry doing this?!"

Finally Harry stopped coughing and color began to return to the nurse's face.

"Are you okay?" Ron asked.
"Yes." She sighed. She looked at Harry as if she had seen the devil himself. "That boy--"

"Is in a grave situation." Said Professor Snape who strode in behind Professor Dumbledore.

Snape walked over to the both of them over shadowing them.
"Where did he get that?" Snape pointed to the book.

"How are we supposed to know? Ever since he got it this madness has been happening." Hermione yelled back.

"Being smart again are miss Granger."

"Enough." Dumbledore's voice was quiet but still audible.
He stood at the side of Harry. The boy looked miserable.

"His mind and his soul are at war. He could die or worse take the very face of evil. If not those two,but lose his mind and become empty. No better than dead." He said quietly.

The room was quiet everyone.
"" sang a distant voice.
"Does anyone hear that?" Ron asked.
Dumbledore's face changed. "Unbelievable."
"" The voice came closer.

"Snape come here. You must see this."
"Unbelievable." Snape exclaimed. "He looks at peace."

"Madam Pomfrey! Look at these little jigglies I found!" Luna Lovegood waltzed in the astonished crowd. "And-Umm... why is everyone looking at me."

"EEERRRGGGG!" Harry gripped his chest. He looked like he was in serious pain.
"Is something wrong with him?!" She asked more surprised than they expected her to be.

She ran to his side but to her touch, Luna seemed to be electrocuted. This sent Luna stumbling before eventually falling back.


"What was that?" Ron asked.
"They're poler opposites!" Snape said in realization.

"Meaning?" Luna asked.
"Meaning that Luna's strange self or her heart is pure and that they attract." Explained Madam Pomfrey.

"Then that means... Harry's heart is consumed or being consumed in darkness."

"We can stop this right?" Hermione pleaded more than asked.

"First it was his soul now his heart if we don't stop this..." Ron looked at Luna. "Luna, please sing again."

"Umm... okay." She stood and walked over to Harry.

Harry potter : Darkness from the insideWhere stories live. Discover now