Max Pov

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An: this probably sucks, and is short. But hey it has dadvid and danvid. Yay.

This stupid camp is on my last nerves. Space kid just threw up, Nerris is being a magic nerd, and Harrison just made my breakfast disappear.
But the worst was David. He wasn't over cheery today. That's not a bad thing necessarily but he's getting to weird for my taste. The stupid newspaper just got here.
"Lilac Lake Monster strikes again." What the hell?!? I see why David's on edge. I hate this place, and now I'm going to die in it. Not to bad actually, but still.
I growled.
This place has had murders here before! What kind of camp is this? Oh look David is back to being cheerful. What a pain in the ass.
"Alright campers I'm sad to say we won't be having any night activities anymore other than the bonfire, and the curfew will be more strictly enforced. Don't be sad though. We're going on a hike!" His cheerful voice makes me want to puke. Who can be that happy? He growled, stupid hikes, stupid killer, stupid David. I could sneak off during the hike. I almost laughed out loud, hah let's see David deal with this.
It was time for the hike. I walked along until I found my chance.
'Hah suck it ' I thought to myself. I ran until I almost fell into water.
I looked around it was a lake. How stupid. I looked around until I saw something in the water.
"What's that?" I asked my self sarcastically. Then I took a deeper look until...


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