-Chapter 2-

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*Franks pov*
As I was putting my boxers on I couldn't help but notice the boy in front of me. Gee fucking way. I'm not going to lie, there have been times where I was fucking some random chick and was thinking about that adorable boy. He was beyond cute and if anyone ever said otherwise I'd punch them in the gut.
No one knows I am bi except Mikey. My friends would always pick on him so no one really knew we were friends. He would always tell me to just come out already go for my dream boy, Gee. Although I never listened to him I always dreamt of it.
I started out of the house and to mine. I only lived a block away. As I walked into my house my parents were fighting, like always. I trudged up the stairs to my room and locked the door.
I decided to do something I haven't done in a very long time. I listed to the fight.
"He is gay I'm telling you. I found his magazines in his room."my father screamed.
"Well even if he is that doesn't bring him or anyone any harm." My mother yelled back.
Shit. Fucking shit. They found those. Welp I'm fucked. This is just great. I should explain. My father is a raging homophobic and my mom a huge supporter. It was the one thing they disagreed on and apparently my father went digging through my closet because that's where all my gay is. Magazines, toys, cds, and films.
My father started up the stairs when suddenly the door bell ring.

A/N woo cliffhanger. What am I talking about no one reads this. Well thanks for making it through another gruesome chapter.
Good bye my lovelys-Lust*)

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