-Chapter 4-

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*Franks pov*
   I wasn't paying attention to my mom but instead Gee. Why did he come to my house? Why was he in this mess? What was going to happen now that my dad knew I was bi? Did my dad really think Gee would date some low lying punk like me? Would Gee really ever like me?
   I was asking to many questions to realize how Gee looked. He was scared and it pained me too look at him like that. As my mother started just reeling at my father I ran over to Gee and gave him a hopefully reassuring hug. He tensed at my touch obviously scared.
   "It's okay.... I just like you and couldn't stand to see you getting hurt like that, especially by my horrible father." I have whispered not even realizing I slipped out about my  crush. At least until he responded.
   "Y-you like me." He stuttered out.
   "Who couldn't." By this point we were just talking at a normal volume with my parents looking at us in shock.
   "Cause I really like you too."
   "Why did you hold back."
   " I thought you were straighter than a ruler."
    "Now that you know my secret what are you gonna do about it?"
   "W-will you go out with me?"
   "Of course baby boy."
   And with those two words Gee stiffened. He has one too? Great now he knows another secret.
   *time skip a few weeks into the relationship because I'm impatient*
   I was driving away from the school when I noticed someone walking down the side walk. I pulled up a bit in front of them and stopped the car.
   "Gee! Baby do you want a ride?"
   "Sure Frankie!" He is adorable.
   While we were driving I got an amazing idea.
    "Honey, " I spoke catching his attention. "Do you wanna see if you can sleep over at my house?"
   "I don't wanna get hurt again." He spoke sadly.
   "Baby boy even though my dad hasn't come to terms with it we don't have to worry about it. My parents are out on a anniversary vacation."
   His face instantly lit up. So I drove toward his house to get permission and necessities. He was so excited he didn't even wait for me to fully stop the car before he jumped up and out of the vehicle. After about 5 minutes he came barreling out of the front door with a different back pack on. He got back in the car and we drove of.

   A/N I've been so busy, exhausted, and sad lately that I forgot about this book. I'm sorry I haven't updated in a while but if you guys noticed I had a different book up and when someone that I used to be kinda friends then saw it and now they hate me. So I unpublished it and now all that work has gone to waste. It was upsetting having to unpublish it but it was a piece of cringy utter shit so at least no one will ever see it. Good bye my lovelys. *) Lust

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