-Chapter 3-

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*Gees pov*
   Frank left his wallet at my house. Oh no.
    As I walk the long one block to his house I felt worried. What if someone saw me coming over to his house and thought we were dating or worse thought we were fucking. If anyone thought that Frank would kill me.
   I rung the doorbell hesitantly. His father opened the door fuming angry.
   "What do you want?!" He said through gritted teeth.
   "F-frank left this at my house."I said shyly.
   His father had a moment of false realization. He looked at me with an obviously fake and sarcastic smile. He turned to the stairs and called for Frankie.
   Frankie came down the stairs swiftly. Then suddenly his dad grabbed the back collar of my shirt and pushed me on the floor in front of the beautiful boy.
   "Is this your little fag?!" His dad roared, pointing at me, his face red with seething anger.
   Frank immediately stop cowering and looked like he was going to punch his father. And that's exactly what he did. Then his dad punched him back. And in return Frank kicked him in the balls. So like any other fight this lasted for about ten minutes before franks mum finally got them apart all the while I was sobbing in the corner and watching with terrified, wide eyes.
   It was horrifying. Blood everywhere. Frank and his dad staring at each other intently. Waiting for something to happen. For me to wake up from this nightmare. Waiting for Frankie to come and scoop me up with those big arms and carry me to my house. Just wanting those arms around me holding me tight. But I can't have that not with the scene that just unraveled in front of me.
   Franks mother looked over at me and immediately regretted ever letting me in. She was upset about her son and husband's behavior, but mostly her husband's,  she ran over to me and apologized then turned to the to boy's while yelling at them in what I guessed was Italian.

   A/N I'm sorry it took so long to publish and write this I've just hadn't the time but I'll definitely try harder. Good bye my lovleys- *) Lust.

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