"I Just Don't Know"

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Why should I continue when no one really reads... The conversations go unanswered words go unseen... There are less getting more and more getting less... I may not be entertaining but I'm tryin' my best...

I may just stop writing maybe just for awhile... cause those stories I worked hard on just don't make me smile... May have to throw it away may have to give up... Who knew in this place it was a competition and you had be tough...

I need a break need some change of weather... Maybe I'll come back maybe it'll be better... I doubt it cause I've been here before... Can't do something I just don't feel no more...

Need some music need some rest... I wish it was different but hey it's what's for the best... I understand the depression of those overlooked... It's like being shelved and forgotten like an old book...

It's just how I feel...

But I'll be back some day 😌

~ LoverOfTheBayou 🐊

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