"Oh YouTube *cries*"

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There are some really nice Tom Tributes and docs, interviews, etc on YouTube it's like everyone is coming out of the woodworks to celebrate him and I'm like in tears and haven't even watched any but the music ones!! ❤

The Untold Truth... the comments said it was a nice little Doc that didn't ya know slander him but made him look like a good guy which he was so that's rare usually the news twists the truth but not this time...

Watch Mojo did a top 10 too

I kinda flipped when I heard about this I mean I used to love Miley Cyrus a lot then not so much but was still a fan and havin' her do this made me go "Oh My God" I won't listen to it, for fear I'll start cryin'

Jon! ❤

~ LoverOfTheBayou 🐊

This One's For Me (I Need It You See)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora