"You Gotta Think Of Others!"

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Thank you for all the wishes I had a good day except for y'know but I had a good day with my loved ones and surrounded with good music too...

So yesterday was my birthday and you know what I did? I didn't say oh it's my day fuck everyone else instead I prayed, prayed for Tom, and the victims of the Las Vegas shooting prayed that their families have peace.

I didn't think of myself no I thought of others even told God I'd give up my birthday, snow, x Christmas just to see a full recovery, I prayed for the homeless cities, the diseased, for the animals who lost their lives recently.

Not once did I think of myself nope I couldn't even though it was a celebration day I sat in silence put others before me why cause that's what you're supposed to fucking do it's the right thing to do it's the best thing to do.

There are people out there who need a hand and some prayers if you don't do it who will?

My family always taught me to be selfless and caring for everyone needs someone there for them even if they don't know you...

May everyone read this and think of those in need and not themselves
May they lend a hand and not push them away
May they hold each other and not put themselves high
May they guide and lead not leave others behind

~ LoverOfTheBayou 🐊

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