"Mermaid Makeup"

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Part two!

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Part two!


Cause I'm sure you guys would love to try it out ☺

Apply teal eye shadow to your lid with an eye shadow brush do a bit over the crease but add a bit of a navy blue to the top

Then use white eyeliner to line the top of the lid in a little strip

Add the same liner under your eyes too not on the inside it won't work

(you'll look funky but I swear it'll get better)

Take the tip of the brush and rub it into a deep purple dab or line this onto the white liner carefully in just on the white eyeliner and bam Instant Mermaid look

(liquid liner won't work it'll cake on...)

Any color can be used but I preferred Turquoise, Navy, x Deep Purple 😄

~ LoverOfTheBayou 🐊 

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