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So I was walking to the store and was listening 'You Don't Know How It Feels" and I looked and there was a crow I know y'all are wonderin' what's so special about a crow well in Native American lore when a person you feel close to and was born around the time of that animal will make itself known as their spirit animal which I tried taking a picture but it flew away lemme tell you right now it was ten feet up a tree there was no way to fly away but it flew into the sunshine while the harmonica solo started on the song it was so majestic but alas no picture... then all these monarch butterflies flew by me now I'm losin' my shit two spirit animals for Libras and one that symbolized hope? I think it's a sign saying "Keep hope." I almost cried listenin' to Rebels in the post office while starin' out the window.... and the last thing that happened was both versions of So You Want To Be A Rock N Roll Star came on one right after the other on shuffle!! ❤

~ LoverOfTheBayou 🐊

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