"Worth A Watch!"

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I just spent the past hour between cryin' x laughin' while watching the Joan Baez documentary which has special appearances by, Bob Dylan, David Crosby, Roger McGuinn, among others... Roger said he fell in love with her when he heard and saw her, Crosby outted Dylan saying he had a crush on Joan, Joan imitated Bob... I love the little nicknames they have for each other he calls her Joanie and she calls him Bobby 😃

He said he regrets that their relationship ended... aww!!

Bob: I love that song Diamonds And Rust I mean to be included in something that Joanie has written *sounds like he got the chills* Whoo... Even to this day it still impresses me...

The lady is a fucking trooper man and has some balls lemme tell ya she won't be moved and I love her for her courage and kindness!! ❤

Joan: I got some shows to do wanna come with me?

Bob: Sure what the fuck...

Joan: Then they saw he was damn special...

[I'm typing this from memory but I think it correct]


Okay you'll have to watch it on YouTube since the owner made it disabled for other apps...

~ LoverOfTheBayou 🐊

This One's For Me (I Need It You See)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ