Part 2

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After walking alittle while still obviously crying
"Faith" decided not to go home as she didn't really trust her thoughts enough to be left alone with, she went for a restaurant that was near the beach just to sit down and try to calm herself and have a control on her emotions
She didn't know how much time she have been there thinking and she actually had a blackout zone where she no longer hear anything around her but the echo of her own dark thoughts
She wake up from that zone when she heard the waiter calling her out many times
"Hey miss,..are you OK?!!"
"Yeah,..yeah i'm fine!"
*she obviously was not fine at all*
The waiter then smiled at her saying
"Well it's OK,..would you like to order anything"
*actually she didn't want anything yet she ordered*
"Yes,..I would like a cheesy lovers pizza and soda please"
"Sure" the waiter said while leaving with a genuine smile on his face.

It was pretty late and she was there with only a couple sitting in the table in the opposite direction of her own table.
The couples looked so in love and genuinely happy with each others company she was happy at the sit but then before she even noticed she was actually crying.

In the other side louis was just finishing work in his large office as the secretary "claire" went to open the door to tell him something.
"Sir,..I'm done with all the work for today,..may I leave?"
"Sure yeah of course,..just leave the key of the office i'll leave alittle bit late"
"Ok sir,..Thank you" 
Louis felt alot of pressure since he only started this new bussiness a month ago.
He felt that the load above his shoulders was too much yet in such a miracle he finished his work on time and decided to go and check on the work.
The road to the restaurant was short as the streets were empty as it was too late,..He arrived to the place with a thought through his mind that no one is there yet he found some people still sitting waiting for their food to be ready he was relaxed to find that the work is working well,..Suddenly just when he was about to leave his eyes caught something beautiful in sight, beautiful that he could barley blink as he looked at her,..then he noticed that she was crying and how such a beautiful creature be this sad it was unfair,..She was crying yet she looked so flawless.
Without any hesitation he opened the door and went to her and sat on the opposite chair.
At the same moment "faith" looked him with such a shock in her face cause no one ever saw her crying before.
She quickly wiped her tears away yet she wasn't able to talk she just looked at the man infront of her in both hesitation,question and amazement.
He was tall,firm with beautiful blue wide eyes and a funny good looking hair style that suit him pretty well.

He smiled at her as he noticed she was looking at him.
"You don't like the food?"
He said with hesitation in his voice.
She looked at him in a strange way but then she said
"I still hadn't eaten yet!"
He looked at the empty table infront of him then he looked at her shyly.
faith then asked without any hesitation in tune of wonder
"Who are you?"
Louis frown at her tune of question and doubt as he thought he might have frightend her with his attitude but then he saw a smile on her face as she looked at him and he said
"I work in this place"
She then smiled at this line  and he thought that he was seriously doomed.
"Do you sit with all your customers,..That's strange"
He said then he realized that he was flirting
"Only the beautiful ones,..You must be special"
He didn't regret what he said but he was scared he might have scared her again.
She must have realized his tune changing after what he said,..She should have left or got scared yet she didn't she only smiled shyly.
he felt alittle bit at ease as he saw that smile then he asked her
"Why were you cryi..."
He didn't complete his sentence when the waiter arrived with the food in his hands.
"well miss,..I'll leave you to eat your food" he said with a hesitate step.
She didn't say a word as she realized how hungry she was since she didn't eat anything since the morning.

A few time passed.
She was eating as she looked at the man who suddenly decided to set infront of her looking at her in a strange yet beautiful way.

Faith realized he was looking at her and he must have sensed that she noticed him looking..he turned to sit in his regular spot cause he didn't want to look anymore creepier.

He didn't want to leave unless she did.
*or at least before he know her name*

faith ate pretty fast than usual as she was very hungry,..He just sat there waiting for her to finish patiently.

Once she finished her meal she realized she was the only one in the restaurant sitting so she decided to order for the check so she can leave,..And just as she was about to leave louis stood up pretending he was busy with something and then went towards the door at the same time as her and he held the door open.
She looked a little bit surprised by how nice he was even thought she is just a stranger.
She went outside and he followed her.
After alittle while which seemed long enough he said with no specific reason
"So what is your name miss"
She Smiled at the name
"No miss,..You can call me my faith"
He smiled at the name
"Beautiful name" He said
and she smiled shyly
Then he said
"Well then,..It's pretty late now it's 2:00Am,..Do you have a car?"
She hesitated then said
"No,I don't"
He smiled in victory
"Well then I insist on driving you home miss,..I mean faith"
She looked at him in surprise and said
"Well,..You're technically a stranger and I shouldn't ride the car with you,..You might kill me"
*as if she didn't want to*
She continued
"I don't even know your name"
He smiled looking at her
"Well,..i'm Mr louis the manager of the restaurant you've just been at"
He looked at her with a genuine smile and continued
"But you can call me louis if you like"
she looked at him in question and said
"Why are you being so nice to me?!"
"There's no reason for me not to be nice" He said.
She then smiled and said
"Umm,..I guess that is true !,..I'll let you take me home but if you end up kidnapping me I might have to kill you I learned some self-defense just to let you know"
He laughed at her words promising that it'll be fine
And she in a strange way trusted him.

The ride was pretty calm and quiet in the car as faith told louis the address of her home,..They listened to music while discussing their favorite artists and songs.

Just then she arrived home and she went off
"Thank you for this lovely ride Mr,..I mean louis"
"You're welcome"He said
And continued
"Hopefully i'll see you soon,..It was a pleasure knowing you"
"Yeah,..You too" she said in a weak shy voice.
He smiled at her for afew minutes then he said goodbye and left.

Faith went home with only one thought in her mind
How did this day turn off this way?
"Who is louis?"
"why does she feel so safe around him"
She fell asleep peacefully with these thoughts in her mind...

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