Part 6

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Well it's been too long since I wrote cause there was a lot happening on my plate but anyways..i'm so sorry .. Here is the new one, took me so long cause has some drama and personal things to me so thank you for bearing with me alittle bit..

The next morning,..Faith woke up with an awful headache and she felt so tired as if she hadn't had any sleep at all which she probably didn't with all the crying.

She woke up not remembering anything from the day before so she went to the kitchen to make breakfast and clean the house before work .. She finished all that then she looked at the clock it was still "9:30 am" .. And her work starts at about "11:45 am" .. so she sit there in the chair next to her favorite window in the house
*it was her comfort zone place* as she said anyways

She tried remembering what happened yesterday cause she felt so sick and exhausted.
Her mind brought her those memories In bouts .. She remembered that she was with emily and that they went out ending in louis's restaurant and then remembered her conversation with louis and,..and ...
"OH SHIT !!"
She remembered having a breakdown infront of louis and she remembered making a fool of herself imfront of a stranger..
*wait,..was he a stranger really? .. *

she remembered the way louis hugged her until she was better .. She remembered him being nice to her even thought she didn't really know why she was glad but then she remembered that she cried infront of him and she brokedown
"who the hell does that is infront of someone they barely know" she said to herself.

Just at this moment when she was so upset with herself,when this thought was on her mind she looked at the window with a glassy eye,she didn't feel comfortable anymore..she just had to do it cause there was so much pain,so much heartache..
So she went to the bathroom and the last thing she knew that she was looking at her hands and wrists they were full of blood and there was red everywhere in there too,..She fold her wrists and prayed that the bleeding would stop and it did but it was so painful,..
She Remembered crying so bad that she feel asleep on the ground..

"Why did you try to kill yourself,Faith?" The voice asked.
"I didn't want to"..
"Then why did you do it,..Do you hate your life?"
"No,..It's not that"
she said
"Then what!!! Aren't you afraid of death?" Said the voice angrily.
"Then what are you afraid of" asked the voice *maybe shocked by her answer* ..
"LIVING" she said simply.

Faith woke up after about 30 Min to find herself covered by her own blood on the bathroom floor.
her hands were hurting her so bad but the good news was that the bleeding had stopped.
She got up and felt alittle dizzy,it was about 11:25 am so she got sometime to talk a shower and clean the bathroom before going to work ..
"15 minutes later "
she took a shower trying not to think about anything really and she got ready and took the keys to go to work.
She wasn't really in the best condition to drive but she did it anyway cause it didn't really matter to her.
So she took the car and drove for a little bit before her mind fucked up everything again like it always do..she remembered what she did this morning and sight of the red color everywhere and "boooom" just like that
her anxiety came back and she was breathing heavily,..she knew she had to stop the car before it gets worst so she parked the car and tried to calm herself down .. She curled up herself in the driver seat and she put her forehead on her wrist even thought it hurted so bad,..she fell asleep before she knew.

"Faith,..Why did you do that to yourself!!!" asked the voice sounding so terrified&disappointed.
"I don't know,..I just wanted to feel something" She said.
"But you could have died,..don't you understand !! I need you her with me .. You're my friend .. Do you know how scared I was when I got the call from the hospital telling me that you're here and might not make it" said the voice obviously shaking and crying.
"I did---" Faith said while the voice interrupted her.
"You what !! What about me .. Have you thought about me doing this .. It would effect me too if something happened to're my comfort zone and the only one I trust enough with everything .. Why did you do this to yourself" The voice asked again demanding an answer this time.."Why did you do this to me" !!!

not mine..Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin