Part 5

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Sorry for keeping you waiting too much..didn't really know the idea I wanted for the chapter so had to wait for alittle bit
Anyways hope you'll like it .. Please leave comments if you have anything to say .. Thank u xx

As emily left,Faith and louis sat alone they began talking about alot of stuff,everything and nothing at all like they sometimes just kept looking at each other .. Faith really felt comfortable around louis even though she had trust issues,She was really confused that she trusted him so quickly..
But her mother always told her
"Some people may not be in your life for too long yet take the biggest place in your heart"
*and yeah she was right*

"Well,What do you work?" ,..Asked louis
"I'm a secretary in an office but im thinking about quitting this job"
Said faith
"Why?" Said Louis surprisingly.
"I never wanted to live a boring normal ordinary life..i've always wanted an extraordinary one,..a life which has nothing normal in it" she said as she went with her thoughts.

It was passion that was missing in her eyes,..The passion to do something phenomenal,To be good at something and to be remembered
*Louis thought to himself*

He wanted to ask her why isn't she happy or what made her this sad,all thoughts and questions came to his mind but he promised he will try to solve it instead of asking cause in the end actions do speak louder.

Louis wake up from his thoughts when he heard faith's voice calling his name
"Are you OK,..?" Said faith in a confused voice
Louis just smiled at her with a genuine smile on his face
"Yeah,..Never been better" and continued
"Well it's never too late to do what you really want in life" he said.
"Well,I guess yeah" Said faith.
*She wasn't really convinced with her reply because she thought that it was really late for her to do anything in life and she never really felt confident enough to do what she want in life..She didn't even know why she shared that thought with louis,..but in this moment exactly she was convinced with his words*

Faith didn't realize how late it was until she looked at her phone
*The time flow by so fast*

"I need to go it's getting late" said faith.
"Well then let me drive you" said louis as faith agreed silently.

*faith actually didn't wanna leave but it was getting too late and her anxiety could come back at any minute,..It always hit her in her best moments*

The walk to the car was pretty quiet ..

"After a few minutes"
They reached the car parking then started the drive
As the last time faith and louis talked about music alot
They jammed to the songs until one song caught faith's attention
She started jamming
"I've been told
I've been told
To get you off my mind
But i hope I never lose bruises that you
left Behind
Oh my lord
Oh my lord
I need you by my side"
She didn't realize louis stopped jamming with the song and concernted on her singing so she stopped.

"You've a very good voice you know?" Said louis Smiling
*faith just smiled shyly and said a thank you but she didn't even believe that cause she didn't believe she could be good at something .. So she always just said thank you*

Just then as she was thinking about all that she saw the restaurant that they used to set in
*by that I mean faith and him*

She had a war of flashbacks and since it was already past midnight anxiety hit her so bad
Suddenly faith was sitting there next to louis on the car seat shaking she couldn't even control her emotions she remembered lots and lots of things she thought she already forgot,..Her blood pressure was unstable,her face went pale and she couldn't breathe normally.

"On the other hand"
*Louis was driving thinking about how did he became so lucky to know this young beautiful woman yet he felt so sorry and sad for her cause she always was uncertain and always undertimated herself and everything in her life..She was talented in so many ways yet she couldn't believe so..he wished she saw herself the way he sees her*

Only then when he was lost in his thoughts he felt a sudden movement in the car
He looked at faith and she was shaking so badly,She looked so stressed not like the one he was with like 2 minutes before.
She was so fragile,weak,her face was so red and she breathed heavily.
Louis felt so worried that something might happen to her and he didn't know what to do,..He called her name over and over but she didn't answer him.
Louis decided to stop the car and see what is wrong with her
"Faith,..Faith can you hear me?" Said louis in a very worried voice

*Faith tried to turn her attention to Louis But she looked at him and words fall off out of her mouth she couldn't speak she tried but the only thing she could hear was the echo of her thoughts and she felt like she was going to die actually she wanted to scream but no voice came out..She had had enough,..She didn't want to feel this pain anymore she wanted all this to be over*

Louis seemed to get her situation in somehow but didn't know what to do so he did the only thing he could do..he opened his arms and hugged her as tight as possible telling her that it will be alright,it will get better and to just breathe and it will be fine
Faith just kept crying harder but then she started to calm down.

Faith was praying louis wouldn't ask her what happened and he didn't
He just opened the radio so they could hear some music to calm faith's thoughts down and it really helped,..
*Well music always helped*

"After about 2 minutes"
Louis arrived to faith's house and they didn't say anything the whole way to the house..
"Well are you OK now?" Asked louis in a hesitated voice.
"Yeah,I'm thank you so much" said faith
"Well i'm glad I helped in anyway faith,..Take care of yourself please" said Louis
"Ohh yes thank you so much i'll,..and thank you for the ride too" said faith feeling ashamed
"No need,..see you soon"
Said louis

And just like that louis left and faith went to the building feeling that she hates herself,ashamed,powerless
what just happened?
When did this happen?
Why did this happen?
When did she become this weak and fragile ?
And why all this shit happen to her..did she deserve it?
is she that bad of a person?
How could she lose control infront of a she stupid?

She felt so pathetic,..she hated herself,she felt sorry for herself..she felt unworthy.
She hoped she could die like right now..And no one will remember her anyways..She wished she never been born at all actually..It was too much for her to handle.
She went to bed then checked her phone she saw a text from emily telling her
"how did it go?"
but faith couldn't answer she throw the phone away and cried so much until she fell asleep hugging her pillow and that was it..

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