Part 8

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This part is dedicated for anyone who lost someone and had a hard time finding the real strength within themselves.

I'm sorry i've not wrote in a while
Wasn't feeling too inspired.
"Sorry about that"
This is gonna be alittle shorter than the previous part
"you'll know why by the end of the part" 😂😂
Anyways there's still 2 or 3 chapters more so please bear with me
And thank u so so so much for reading it means the world x
Ily all x

"Louis's POV"

It was about 2 weeks since i last saw faith but i was so confused of how fast i got attached to this girl as we barely knew each other..
I woke up today not feeling to if something bad had happened..i took a quick shower and sat down to eat my breakfast as i looked into my phone to check if there's anything new..
"But ofc there wasn't"
I was about to close my phone to get to work when i noticed a picture of a girl with anthor familiar girl i knew .. As i looked closer to the picture i noticed it was indeed faith..i scrolled down and saw people say in the comments
so i figured emily was the girl next to faith in the photo.

I decided to call faith while i was going to work to ask who is this girl and to ask her how was she since last time she really wasn't that good.
And that what i did.
I called her but there was no answer so i decided to wait for her to call back .. Surely she would be busy.

Faith didn't really know what happened after emily's death .. She just found herself home wearing black while crying her eyes out..she didn't even bother to look at her phone..but as she did she found lots of messages from her school friends and from her mother,also from the mysterious louis..she refused to answer them All.

"After Three weeks"

Faith was sleeping as she heard a loud knocking on the door..she got out of bed lazily to see who is knocking her door at 8:24am .. She found alex on the door
"Ofc alex was the only real friend left after emily's death"


Faith didn't even know how to answer she just didn't want to move on yet .. Everything just came suddenly she didn't know how to process all that.
And alex noticed the lifeless expression on her face..It was scary..really scary.

"Ohh i'm sorry fi but i was worried ok and you know your mother would be here if she could too and she was's been 2 weeks fi, need to get out and do something..just do anything!!" alex said pleadely.

"Ik i should go out,..i know that but i just don't want to ok? I'm not ready yet..I just can't" faith said in all honesty
*she really wasn't ready*..

Alex just nodded understandingly.

"I'll tell ya what,..let's order some food and watch some tv ok..i'll stay for alittle bit then i need to go anyways cause i've work,..does that sound good?" alex asked.

"Yeah,that sounds great actually" faith smiled as she went over to the living room to search for a movie they could watch while alex ordered pizza.

Faith knew it wasn't the best time to play "collateral beauty" but she just loved the movie so much.

They sat there for awhile watching the movie in silence and eat the pizza that has already arrived..
Alex knew that faith didn't want anyone to push her to open up and just talk but honestly the situation was really hard to process the whole thing,..So she just stayed stayed silent as she watched the movie..the movie was about the three most important things that makes life meaningful which are
"Love,time and death"
And both alex and faith could relate to the movie so much.

While watching the movie
An actor said something to  anthor character who was dying
She said "nothing is really dead if you look at it right"

faith would lie if she said she didn't tear while hearing that part..not because of her situation bur because she knew she had to move on at some point and better sooner than later..because she can't be in the dark place again..she won't survive,
She knew she won't..she wasn't strong enough.
She had to get out of this dark thoughts in any way possible.

Alex noticed how faith tensed out of a sudden but didn't dare to mention it as the movie kept going on..

"When i hold her i didn't just love her..i became love" the actor in the movie said.

"Faith thought about it for a don't need to move on to be need to just hold back and look at what was good and what is good and make the best of don't need to fight sadness and pain 24/7 but you need to be a lover instead of being a fighter sometimes..What is the point of continuing to fight while you can just love the fact that you're still here and smiling and there is still some people who care yk?"

Faith closed the tv and looked at alex for a moment ..
"You know what?..maybe we should go out like tomorrow or sth just to get our heads out of things" faith Said.

Alex on the other side was surprised by the sudden statement cause she really thought she has to kick faith at some point and make her "go out"..  but just genuinely smiled and said

"Yes ofc that would be great,..but listen i need to go now i'll talk to you later..please answer this time,also please check your phone"

"Ok i'll thank u Al" faith said hopping alex understood what she meant.
"Don't worry fi,..always" alex smiled as she said goodbye.

Faith decided to take a look at her phone and see what she missed these past week or two .. She found so many messages from her friends back in the days telling her to stay strong and that she will get through this and it's ok..
"well it wasn't really ok..and she may not get through one fully get over death and move on.. she can't stay strong 24/7..but she was going to try and hold on"

She decided to write something cause the movie inspired her to be stronger and to be patient in the worst times..

"we give our time all it's value and death gives life all it's value but still love is the most important value of them all" ..

Faith finished and decided to take a nap.
Next time she woke up by the sound of her phone ringing..she looked at the number and found that it was louis.
"Hello?" She answered quietly.
"Hello faith, sound asleep did i wake you up?"Louis asked.
"No it's ok,..i needed to get up anyways" faith answered
*not very honestly* hehe
"well i was gonna call you anyways to ask how umm,.. you've been and all" louis said unconfident of what to say next.
"How are you doing?" He finally asked.
"I'm alright yeah thank you for asking that's nice of you" faith said.
"no i mean how are you really?.. I heard you lost someone close to you..i'm so sorry for your loss" louis said sadly.
"Yeah, bestfriend..she umm--
Faith didn't want to say the next sentence because it would mean she is moving on and accepting the idea but still she had to say it.

--she died from a stage four cancer,..and thank u again" she said.
"Yeah it's ok..i hope you're ok..if you want you're always welcome in the restaurant if you wanna talk or have time're always welcome love"
*Louis said..he didn't really meant for the nickname to slip but he just said it and he can't take it back now anyways*

Faith stopped at the nickname but decided not to comment
"Well yeah,..thank you so much i'll come by soon and thank you again for asking"
"Yeah it's okay,..take care faith,bye" louis said.
"Bye.." Faith answered happily.

Atleast something in her life was going right this time..


"Let it hurt
Let it bleed
Let it heal
And let it go."
again i didn't write this sentence .. But it matchs the part so..Anyways i hope you like this part and thank you again for reading this..
I promise you the next chapter won't take this long .. I lost a friend in real while writing this so it was kinda hard for me to write it after it happened so this part means alot to me..

Ily all and thank you again for reading .. If you have any suggestions or a question you can ask ;)

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