Part 7

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Well i couldn't wait to write this one after the previous chapter cause they're so connected to each other .. So here it is and sorry again for being late writing this 😅 ..
Chapter Hint:friendships matter even in other lives.
One main important point:emily's parents are dead.

She drove as fast as she can only when she realized that she didn't go to that hospital ever since her suicide attempt,the loss she experienced especially losing her during the process was the worst thing ever,..She used to feel before that,she never really told much people about that "sense" thing...

*6 years ago*
"Sweetie i'll be back in a second OK,..just going to find the doctor and fill the papers so we can go out" the mother told her little girl.
"OK mummy" said the girl innocently.
Just as the mother left the girl saw a man coming out of the ambulance holding his hand on his heart then collapsing on the cold floor,he took few breath then let them out silently.
"Help him please please someone help him as fast as you can he is my husband please don't let anything happen to him" the woman said while sobbing.
"Don't worry madam,..we will do everything we can" the doctor said with confidence.
They took the man and put him in a hospital bed and rushed to the surgery room,The woman just sat there crying in the hallway putting her hands on her face trying to stop the crying but all she did was cry more and more..

The doctors came about 12 min after and the woman rush towords them.
"is he OK? .. Can i see him?"
The doctors nodded their head saying no..
"What do you mean,why can't I see him..where is he?"
I'm sorry,..we did everything we can but looks like we was already gone before did anything.."
The woman frowned she couldn't even progress what was being said to her..
"What?,..he is gone where ? Is he coming back?" said hopefully.
'He is ,...dead madam we're so sorry" said one of the doctors

he woman began sobbing again and she cried so bad she couldn't stop until they gave her something to calm her down..

What the woman didn't know and what the doctors didn't know and what the mother didn't realize after she came back is that the girl witnessed it all..she saw death with her own naked eyes..she saw it and it effected her forever..she wasn't that little silly girl anymore,..something in her changed after seeing that man die infront of her,..she realized she had to grow up fast,..she realized she had to be afraid of the thing called death cause it comes really fast.

Faith woke up from her thoughts cursing her mind for reminding her of those painful memories infront of the hospital interance..
Faith took a deep breath and rushed to the hospital,she asked for the room 28 and where it was..the woman wearing a uniform smiliar to the hospital ones told her to just to left upstairs and she will find it.
Faith rushed to where she was told and found the room empty.

"Excuse me where the patient emily?" Faith asked one of the doctors near the room.
"She is just getting done with the surgery right now" said the doctor.
"Surgery?"faith said looking frowned and surprised.
"Yes" said the doctor.
'Can you please tell me what is wrong with her..I'm her friend and i'm the closest family member to her right now" asked faith.
"Of course,..Give me one minute" the doctor said going to get emily's medical file.
When the doctor came back she had a sympathical sad expression writing on all of her face.
Faith heart began raising faster...
"This can't be good" she told herself.
"Well,..miss-" the doctor said then stopped not knowing faith's name.
"Faith" ..
Well,..miss faith.
I'm sorry to bring you this news but your friend has cancer-" she stopped for a moment.
We did the surgery to remove some of the tumor but then we realized the cancer was in late stages, so sorry" said the doctor sadly.
"What--what do you mean you're sorry..apology won't fix anything omg please no god please" faith said not noticing that she copied what the woman said 6 years ago..
Faith started to cry so bad she couldn't even stop and her anxiety hit her so bad she was shaking and she couldn't do anything ..
Doctors rushed to her and carried her as she fell to the ground fainting .. she tried to get up and she heard them talking around her but after what she had just been told..she couldn't even move a finger she felt paralyzed and helpless,..She closed her eyes hoping that this day is just anthor nightmare she had in her sleep but it wasn't..unfortunately it wasn't.

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