Serves Me Right

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This guy has a certain reputation and isn't the most stable person. I was scared to be in a relationship with him because he is not stable. I told him I was scared of him hurting me.
"I won't hurt you. You are too cute to hurt," he said.
News flash!  You did hurt me. You hurt me bad. I have no idea what you have to say for yourself but I'm not listening to any of your shit when you say that I matter to you. I'm sorry, but what kind of person recommends gravel to compensate for being so in love that it makes you sick?  You are serving up pain like a server at a soup kitchen. The soup is sour, too thick and too many ingredients. It's not even the soup that I don't like, it's the service. It was too slow even though I was last in line.

But it serves me right, loving someone like you. 

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