I Don't Mind

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So...um...I heard you were down and out. Anything I could do for you? I mean I'm here for you and...um...I'm worried about you but I'm pretty sure you're not worried about me; thatsalrightdon'tworryaboutme. Sorry! You probably didn't catch that. I got tongue tied...once again. I said, "that's aright don't worry about me." I just called to check in, to see how everything is going. I mean I hope we are still friends even after I told you that I like you. I...of course I like you, you're my friend after all. What I meant was are we still friends after I told you that I like you as more than a friend? I don't mind being just friends but I'm not sure if it's awkward on your end or not, but it's kind of awkward on my end. So just call- *beep* me.

Message 143 still leaves me unsuccessful. I get it, you don't want to talk to me. It's not like you were the only guy whom I confided in, the only one who derived me from my depression but I still understand why you won't talk to me and I don't mind.

Are you rejecting me because you don't feel the same way? Are you rejecting me because you became bored of me? Are you rejecting me because you believe you are too broken to love me the same way? I'm in love with the broken man, the one who had his childhood stolen from him, the one man left to fend for himself, the man who is stuck in the darkness. I don't mind that you are broken. I am here to keep together the pieces you have and to make new pieces to make you feel whole again. I know for me, I am not whole without you. I don't mind that you are not the perfect man. I don't mind that you believe that you are too broken to love. Why? Because I love you and because I love you I don't mind.

I always thought it was ridiculous when I saw couples following each other like a puppy and its owner. After I fell in love with you, I understood the emotional attachment that lead to the physical attachment. I cannot come to a conclusive amendment for myself due to the fact that I would still follow you to the ends of the earth like a puppy. I would follow you to the holy heights of heaven and tread through the terrain of Tartarus for you or with you. I would do this for you because I love you...and I don't mind.

So the next time you think about doing something stupid, there is someone alive who cares about you, your life and your well-being. I don't just care about you. I have just three important words to tell you: I don't mind.

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