Where Were You?

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I know that you are fighting your own war
And I'm fighting my own war
Both of us are fighting but our battles are different.

In case you were wondering, I fell in love with your mind. There is NOTHING I wouldn't do for you.

You can chose to fight which out me, and that's fine. But you are helping me through so many of mine.

The one time I needed you, you weren't there for me. I got pissed off and told you. However I told you more than I should have. I brought up stuff I shouldn't have and pissed you off. I'm trying to apologize and all I get is no response. It's my fault that pissed you off and lashed out for you not being there for me.

But I wish I could have my best friend back because I'm dying. I and literally dying. I am bleeding.

You're the one I go to with my problems and not you wont respond to me. I just don't know what to do. I'm a lost puppy without its owner. I've also done somethings I regret.

My depression has cut me deep and I can't stop the bleeding. I'm going into shock and I have no one to lean on.

So where where you when I needed you the most?

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 26, 2018 ⏰

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