A Cry for Help

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The stigma are you attach to me it's a burden but I have to carry around for the rest of my life
being brought down and battered every day with conflicting emotions inside
In my room alone at night not even a single candlelight
I pray to the angels above everything will be alright
but I know inside my head it won't
These deep dark feelings
Tighten around my head the same way a noose tightens around the neck
I cry but nobody here is it I will but nobody hears it I talk with nobody here is it a scream but nobody hears it because the what's wrong with me is under pot no we are rubdown apart with reins of terror in the Rath about our stupid choices that are stupid that makes sense to us I'm just faced the walks by the hallway on the street on the bus or even buying groceries but I can't do my normal activities without putting up a fight in my head saying that everything is going to be alright but I know it's not because I'm constantly crying out for help I don't expect you to know goes on inside my head or at home but what I do expect is that we all have our battles some of them harder than others I have friends Who haven't made it back alive who went MIA and who have come back with Battle scars showing that they can persevere through anything
Mai cry for help should not be shamed because another life will soon be friend and all that is left are the memories my cry for helpShould not be doubted but rather a cry of dependence because no one should have to face this in their own

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