Chapter Twenty Two - None

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Author POV

"Get your dirty hands off of him," Hoseok says in a deep voice. He stands up and pushes Taehyung off of Jungkook. 

"Don't touch me." Taehyung gives a menacing glare to Hoseok when Jimin just laughs dryly.

"I never..." Jungkook began to speak, his voice cracking up.

Jimin, Hoseok, and Taehyung all turn toward the youngest.

"I never... wanted this... to happen..." Jungkook says in between sad sniffles. "I'm sorry... it really is just all my fault..."

The young boy runs out of the room, leaving the three older boys in a daze.

Taehyung snaps out of it first and runs to catch up with Jungkook.

The other two run after him without saying a word.

Taehyung POV

I can't let Jungkook cry like this. I can't let him go like this. 

I ran after him because I care for him. I want him to know.

"Jungkook!" I called his name over and over again, but there was never any response. 

I'll go check the other classrooms.

Jimin POV

"Jungkook! Please let me know you are here!" I yelled outside and inside. He never responded.

I tried calling his phone, but I was always directed directly to his voicemail.

Hoseok POV

"Jungkook... if you are here... I want you to know that I feel really bad about what just happened... I know you are already stressed as it is..." I only half-whispered.

I made sure to say this in every single room there was to see if he was there.

I then heard a quiet "it's okay". 

"Jungkook?" I turned my head and saw him sitting with his knees to his chest.

I sat next to him and apologized.

"Oh, it's not your fault... I'm just... really tired of this stuff, you know?" Jungkook tried to smile, but I could tell that he wanted to cry. I hugged him hesitantly, letting him cry on my shoulder.

After he calmed down, we stayed quiet and sat there for a really long time.

"Please don't tell the others I'm here, Hyung," Jungkook whispered.

"Anything for you..." I pet his hair and smiled softly.

He then stared at the ground for a long time and whispered something.

"Please tell everyone that I will miss them, okay? I'll miss you, too." Jungkook smiled at me.

I was actually confused.

"Huh? What do you mean you'll miss everyone...?" 

Jungkook laughed a little. 

"My mom said she wanted to live closer to my dad, who's working somewhere far right now. She wants me to tag along wi--"

"Jungkook, please tell me you are lying right now," I cut him off, "Please."

"I wish I was, Hyung. It was really fun here, too. But... leaving was bound to happen. I've just been holding it off for a long time..." Jungkook looked down and whispered, "I guess this is just the time to do it...".

"Jungkook, please don't."

"Don't what?"

"Please don't go, Jungkook."



"I have to."


Author POV

Jungkook made sure Jimin wasn't in the dorm before entering. He packed up all his things, making it look as if he never lived in the dorm at all. He wanted to make it easier for Jimin to forget about him.

Jungkook picked up his phone and called his mom.

"I'm ready to go home."

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