Moving to a new school.

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Dear Diary,

I have to move to a new high school today. I am very nervous. Not only am I going to be at a new high school but I'm going to be a freshman! I am leaving my only friend behind and we tried to get out parents to let use get phone to call each other but that didn't work out. I hate that I have to move because what if they don't like me or I can't make any friends? I'll be the lonely depressed girl that sits by herself and sulks in corners. I guess there isn't much I can do about it so I'll write more about my experience later. Sincerely Angel.

Angel's pov.

"Angel! Come on we are going to be late! Grab your boxes and let's go." My mom yelled.

"I'm going as fast as I can!" I yell back as I grab the last two boxes out of my room and headed down stairs.

"Are you sure you have everything?" My mom asked.

"I checked four times mom! Everything is here and ready." I said.

"Put them in the trailer and let's go. We have a six hour long drive and I want to get there by lunch time." My mom said.

"Okay." I grumbled as I put them in the trailer and hopped in the backseat of the car. As soon as mom got in the passenger seat dad started to drive. It was still dark outside so I watched the stars move as we drove down the road.

The sun was rising and make the most beautiful colors across the sky. There was dark blue in the back slowly fading into a light blue, and near the Sun there was lots of reds, yellows, orange, and pink.

We stopped at a quick grab and go restaurant for breakfast and went back to driving on the road again. "How many more hours?" I asked sort of grumbling.

"Four more hours." My dad said.

"It's so boring." I stated.

"Then count the clouds or something." My mom said.

I looked out the window and saw some birds flying in cool wave pattern. They circled each other and did spins in the air. To soon, we drove through a wooded area and saw big trees with gaint green leaves.

While I was looking out the window I thought I saw something that was running as fast as the car through the window but it gone in a flash. We left the wooded area after about an hour of driving but still had two hours left to get to our new house.

I leaned my head over in the window and started day-dreaming about what my first day would be like. I imagined walking in and chilling with some cool people and making a lot of new friends. I imagined that I was never lonely and I had someone to sit with during lunch.

When I snapped out of my day-dream I asked again How much longer it was going to be. "We are almost there. We have about 20 minutes till we arrive." My dad said.

I patiently waited the long 20 minutes until we pulled up a long gravel drive way up to a nice looking brick house. The bricks looked new and the glass was shiny.

I was the first one to open the door and there was a lot of space. I walked in and looked in each room. "Which one is mine?" I asked.

"It's the red room." My mom said.

I went to the trailer and started grabbing my boxes. I made six trips carrying two boxes each time. I douple checked the trailer for any of my boxes and then went to set up my room.

I looked at my bare room and my plain walls. I took a deep breath in and tried to feel at home but it wasn't working. I could feel the hate for this place start to grow like a bad sees inside of me.

I went outside and say under big a tree that sat in our front yard. I tried to tell myself that it could get better and that it might not turn out that bad, but all I could think of is my friend that I had to leave and my house that I had to leave. Everything that I known was now six hours away.

I was about to go sulk in my room when a dark blue car with tinted windows came rolling up our driveway. I ran inside and told my mom that someone was here.

A man stepped out and walked very smoothly. "I am the principal of Eagle High School. I just want to help you get started on all the paper work to get your daughter enrolled into school." He said.

I already knew that I didn't like this man very much. He was obviously showing off that he had money and saying that if he wanted to he didn't have to accept me in school.

I went to my room to let my mom and dad deal with him. I started unpacking some of my boxes and setting up my room. Even with adding my things to this bare room and it still didn't feel right. I stopped unpacking and laid on my bed.

Maybe tomorrow I will feel better about this place. I start school in two days, so that gives me 48 hours to get myself into better shape and practice on making new friends.

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