Not true love

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Dear diary,

Angel is so annoying. Last month she was all torn up because I didn't remember her birthday. It's not that big of a deal to me but since I'm her boyfriend I'm supposed to remember every detail. I told her to begin with that we were just going to be casual. I also hate hanging around her friends, they are all so boring and common. Next week there is supposed to be an event with a cookout and fireworks and of course I have to go with Angel. Well enough of me ranting I'll write later when I'm less stressed. Sincerely Jack.

Jack's pov.

I walk into school and go sit with my guy friends. When I look over to Angel's group of friends one of them is giving me a death glare. I ignore them and talk about football to my friends. I also talk about the hot cheerleader that refuses to date anyone so far.

Angel walks in and sits with her group. When I turn to look at her I see her give a sad glance before talking with her friends. During the day I avoid her when I can and talk to her as little as possible. The day finally ends and I can go home where I can get away from everyone.


Dear diary,

I wish Angel wasn't so blind-sided to see that Jack doesn't like her. He is just going to end up hurting her and she isn't going to want to trust another guy. I really like her dark brown eyes, long wavy hair, and her laugh. I wish she would listen to us and see that I am the one who cares for her. I better stop writing and get to school. Sincerely David.

David's pov.

The cookout event is in five days and I am planning on going to make sure Angel stays safe. No one else is going because they have work and stuff to do so I volunteered to go.

I just have this feeling that I can't ignore. After school ended I went home and dug in my closet until I found my small pocket knife. I also found a box of tissues to hide it in.

The next day I told my friends that I was prepared of he tried anything or of he hurt her feelings. They all approved of my plan so I carefully sized up my target. I needed to know how hard it would be to over power Jack.


Dear diary,

There is a cookout event happening tonight and my boyfriend is taking me. It seems like he has been trying to spend less and less time with me. I wonder if I'm being to pushing or something. I haven't heard anything from my dad since the birthday card. My mom is now having to get help from the government to pay some of our bills. Maybe we can lie to the police and say he is a missing person? No that won't work. I'll try to think of some other ways to get him back. Sincerely Angel.

Angel's pov.

I talked to my friends about the event but none of them are going except David. I wish more of them were coming but I understand that they have other things that they need to do.

School went by pretty fast today and before I knew it I was getting ready for the cookout event. My mom soon dropped me off and I went looking for my boyfriend. I saw him stand in a circle withhis group of guy friends.

I waited patently until he saw me and stood by me. We went and stacked up our plates so that we could eat together. Soon after we finished eating they announced that the fireworks would start in a few minutes.

My boyfriend and I picked the best spot and stood there waiting. A few minutes went by and the first firework went off. After the 8th firework went off I reached for his hand. He pulled away, gave me an angry look, and said, "That's it! We are no longer together! Why couldn't you understand that I only wanted something casual?"

I could feel my eyes watering as I took a few steps back and ran off. When I was away from everyone else David appeared with a box of tissues. "Thank you." I said sniffling. "No problem. You deserve better anyway." He said.

"I don't understand. I thought of we spent more time together he would grow to like me more." I said.

"He never liked you to begin with. We could all see it but we didn't want to ruin your happiness." He said handing me another tissue.

"I just wanted a happy relationship. One where the guy actually wants to talk to me and have play fights." I said.

"Well there is someone who is interested in you. He likes everything about you and wants everything that you want." He said staring at me.

"Who? Will you introduce me to him. He sounds lovely." I said.

"Sure close your eyes for a few seconds and then open them." He said.

I closed my eyes and I heard him moving around when he stopped moving I opened my eyes. He was standing right infront of me. "You were talking about you! I can't believe I didn't see it. Why am I always focused on the wrong people?" I asked.

He gave me a big and wiped my eyes. "Sometimes you need to have your bad times in order to have good ones. Now stop crying and tell me what you want to do." He said smiling down at me.

"I want to apologize for not seeing you sooner and I want you to be my boyfriend." I said smiling up at him.

"Apology accepted and yes I'll be your boyfriend. Now lets get out of here and take a walk in the woods." He said holding my hand.

"Sounds fun to me." I said as I started walking towards the trees. I wonder what life has in store for me next.

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