Dark to Happy times

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Dear diary,

I'm all alone in the dark now. All my friends have left me and my mom is always at work. The new girl Katie has taken my spot in less than a month. Dave broke up with me three weeks ago and I feel empty without his laugh. I feel so alone and depressed. I don't smile any more or laugh any more.I'm like an empty shell of my former self. I don't even want to go to school any more. I know there is nothing for me there anyway beside painful memories. Enough of me sobbing since it's time for school. Sincerely Angel.

Angel's pov.

I walk into school with my hood up and head down. I dress in all black now so that I'm not noticed. As I'm walking in the school I see Dave and Katie hugging.

I finally reached my breaking point. I ran back out side and far into the woods. I didn't care about food, water, or shelter. I just wanted peace.

I dropped my things at one point because later when I looked at my hands they were empty and scratched to pieces. There were all kinds of holes in my pants and hoody.

It was soon dark and finally I collapsed from exhaustion. In the morning I remembered that I could transform into a wolf. I turned and started to let my instincts kick in.

I caught me a rabbit and quickly devoured it. I looked around and found a small cave for shelter. I decided that I would Mark this as my own and go back to leave my mom a note.

I left my own kind of trail until I arrived back home. I turned back human long enough to sneak in and scribble a note telling my mom that I needed peace and that I might come back one day.

I went back to my trail and turned back to a wolf so that I could run faster. I had no concept of time except for night and day. I tried to mark the days on the cave wall but I soon lost track. I was becoming more like a real wolf everyday.

One day I heard shouting and yelling from in the woods. People were coming near my cave. All I could think of was protecting my home. When the people saw me the came running.

I growled loudly and shook my body to make myself look bigger. Deep down I knew these people but my instincts told me that I needed to kill them.

One of the guys slowly walked forward. It sounded like he was saying my name but it was all so blurring and fuzzy.

"Angel! Please it's us! We are your friends!" Christine yelled.

"Angel. Listen to my voice. I am your friend Dave. You need to come home." Dave said.

I growled at the word home and showed all my teeth. The people behind him kept trying to tell me things too but it was all just noise to me.

"Guys can you leave is alone for a few minutes." Dave asked.

"Dude, the only reason she isn't attacking now is because there are more of us than there is of her!" Chris said.

"Trust me. I think I can get her to trust me." Dave said.

One by one the people behind him left and it was just him standing ten feet in front of me.

"Angel? Are you still in there?" Dave said.

I could hear him but it was like a bad radio station.

"Lonely, must kill, liar, kill more, no friends, betrayal." I said.

Dave used his speaking to animal power to hear me. "I don't understand. Your lonely, but you need to kill? Kill who? Who is a liar? Who betrayed you?" Dave asked.

His voice was starting to come through clearer but I still wanted to bite him. "Friends betrayed me, left me alone, must kill all of you." I said. I was starting to be able to form simple fragments.

I could tell he had a sad look on his face. "I'm so sorry that we treated you like that. We didn't know that Katie was a mean girl. I should have been on your side. I should have known. Please forgive me. I love you too much to let you go." Dave said.

Hearing those words of I love you made me see clearer and snap out of my wolf like state. I shook my head and walked up to him. He kneeled down and patted my head.

I turned back human and took a good long stretch. "Promise me no more trips into the woods where you wolf out." Dave said to me as he walked me back to the others.

"As long as you promise me to always be by my side and love me forever." I said.

"I promise that no matter what, I will always be right beside you." Dave said as he hugged me.

"Then I promise that I won't wolf out on you again." I said as I squeezed him tightly.

We met back with the  other and they all clapped and cheered. I knew I was going to have to face to fury of my mom when I arrive home but for now I was enjoying the moment with all my friends.

We all promised to never let another person come between our friendship ever again.

*There will be one more chapter of Angel and Dave doing some romantic stuff together before this story ends so enjoy.*

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