Helping out

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Dear Diary,

I really enjoy talking to Angel. She seems cool but it's like she us hiding something from us. I'm not sure what it was like for her at her other school but its obvious that she doesn't want to talk about it. Yesterday she told me about how her dad left and that it's was just her and her mom now. Since her birthday is in 7 days I bought her a small gift to help cheer her up. I hope she starts to feel better soon. I write more about my day later. Sincerely Chris.

Chris's pov.

Angel seemed a bit better today and talked with us more. I think I'm the only one that she has told about her parent problem. I didn't tell anyone because I didn't want to betray her trust. Later that day I planned a surprise thing for Angel's birthday with everyone else.

We were all going to give her a small gift and sing happy birthday to her. When school was over I hopped on to my computer and messaged everyone to tell them what I bought for her so that they didn't get the same thing.

Two days later everyone had their gifts ready. Now all we had to do was wait five days until her birthday. I was already getting excited and so was everyone else. It was hard not to just tell her what we had planned but we managed to keep a lid on everything.


Dear diary,

Angel is different than any friend that I have ever had. She doesn't like drama or fighting. We get along great and I feel like we have a strong friendship. I could tell something was bothering her but I didn't want to bring it up. If she wanted to talk to me about it then she would. I respect her privacy and she respects mine. Sincerely Christine.

Christine's pov.

It's only four days until Angel's birthday now and we are all apart of Chris's birthday surprise. It's a great idea and I think it will be good to show that we care about her.

Today there was a new kid at school and the teacher made Angel show him around. Angel was not thrilled but didn't really have a choice. I guess the guy is a smooth talker because by the end of the day she was smiling and still talking to the guy.

I didn't really like the guy because something seemed off but if he is her friend then I won't say anything. Then I was in shock because the next morning she said that he was her boyfriend.

She says they are keeping it casual but I don't think it will last. I'm not trying to be mean but she barely knows the guy and he just seems weird. It's not my place to judge though.


Dear diary,

I have a boyfriend now. He is really cool. Right now He says he wants to keep things casual between us. I don't know why and I sort of want something besides casual but if he is happy than I am happy.  I don't think some of my friends approve of him but I think they will grow to like him. Only one more day until my birthday and I can't wait to turn 15. Next year I can get my permit and start learning how to drive. Well it's almost time for school so I'll write again later. Sincerely Angel.

Angel's pov.

I came into school and saw my boyfriend talking with a big group of girls and telling them jokes. I have to admit that I became a bit jealous but pushed that feeling aside. I have to trust him.

Later that day he say at a different table during lunch with a lot of his new guy friends. It kind of hurt that he didn't want to sit with me but I kept telling myself that he is allowed to have other friends besides me.

We didn't get to talk for the rest of the day either. I tried not to let it bother me but deep down it really hurts. I cheered myself up by telling myself that tomorrow is my birthday and that it would be a time for celebration not sadness.

The next morning I was so excited that I was in and out of the shower in 7 minutes, I shoved down two pop-tarts in 1 minute and a half, and had all my stuff packed and ready to go within 2 minutes and still had 5 minutes before the bus arrived.

The bus ride was pretty quite. It was mainly Chris and I staring at each other smiling. When I arrived at school Chris lead me to a quite place where all my other friends surprised me with the happy birthday song.

Chris gave me a small grey wolf, Christine gave me a 10 pack of Pokémon cards, and David gave me a pack of colorful pens. I was so happy that I couldn't stop smiling and jumping around. I told them all thank you so many times that they told me to stop talking.

Later that day my boyfriend came around. I asked him, "Do you know what today is?" in a high pitched voice. He turned and looked at me with a puzzled look and said, "Friday? The 25th I believe."

I frowned and turned away when I said, "Its my birthday." He looked surprised and said, "Oh it's today! I'm so sorry, I forgot about it." I just put the pencil to my paper and avoided his eyes while doing my work.

I reminded myself of my other friends and all the wonderful gifts they have me and started to smile. I went home and thought about my relationship. I know he said that we were just casual but he should have remembered my birthday.

I told myself not to worry and that maybe he just needs more time to warm up to me. When I arrived home I was hoping to see my dad standing there to celebrate my birthday but it was only my mom.

There was bright and colorful cake with a 1 and a 5 candle lit on top. My mom just looked at me and said, "I'm sorry. He didn't come but this was in the mail." It was a red envelop with something in it.

I carefully opened it and inside was a decorated birthday card. Inside the birthday card was 20 dollars. On the inside of the birthday card there was a note that said, "I'm sorry I'm not there with you but I just can't be with you or your mom anymore. You probably won't hear from me much more and for that I hope someday you can forgive me. Someday we might meet again but I wouldn't get your hopes up. Help take care of your mom for me and behave. I'm wishing you the best of luck, sincerely dad."

*I know your wondering if this is a romance book where is the romance. Just be patent it's coming. I just have to build up to it. Hopefully the next chapter is a bit more exciting.*

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