My first friend.

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Dear Diary,

Today is my first day of school. My bus comes at 6:30 a.m. so I have to be ready to go. This year I am carrying a binder instead of a backpack. I have this pit in my stomach that won't go away. It's like when you get a bad feeling while watching a horror movie. I still haven't got everything unpacked in my room yet and so my mom has been nagging me to get it done. I thought about putting up my posters these afternoon to my the walls to make it a bit more exciting. Well I'll wright about how my day goes later. Sincerely Angel.

Angel's pov.

I stood there at the end of my driveway holding my binder close. I was wearing a nice dark blue shirt with a wolf on it, and dark blue jeans. I heard the bus coming and got ready to get on. The bus rounded the corner and turned on its bright yellow lights.

Then it stopped and opened the bus doors. I slowly stepped on the bus and walked down the walkway. I was one of the first stops so there were many seats to choose from.

I went to the back were I hid in the shadows. I just started looking out the window when I felt the seat move down beside me. I slowly turned my head and this smiling boy was staring at me.

"Hello!" He said happily.

"Um... Hi?" I said.

"I'm Chris. What's your name?" He asked.

"I'm Angel." I said looking very confused.

"Nice to meet you." He said.

"Nice to meet you too." I said slightly worried if maybe he was teasing me and really he was  setting up some sort of sick prank.

We talked some more about where I came from and things like that. We arrived at school and he walked with me inside. We ate breakfast together and talked some more.

By the end of the day we were friends. I didn't tell him about my experience at my other school because I don't want him to think I was lame or anything.

School was over too fast and on the bus ride home Chris sat beside me again. We talked about him this time and how he liked it here. We arrived at Chris's house and I had to say goodbye, but it wasn't but five minutes later that I arrived at my house so the bus ride wasn't that awkward.

When I walked through my house door my mom asked me how my first day went. I told her that I made a friend and that the place seemed cool. We ate dinner and then I went to my room. I looked at the three boxes that I still needed to unpack but didn't feel like messing with it.

I decided to pull out my three black plastic binders out from under my bed and stared at my Pokémon cards. I had counted them and estimated that there where over 1,000 cards spread between these three binders. I flipped through the pages and pick 12 random cards. Then I spilt the 12 cards in half so that I could have a battle between myself.

I picked up my first stack of six and laid down the first card. Then I picked the other stack up and laid down its first card. I kept going until My first stack of six lost.

I put the cards back away and went to eat dinner. That night there was a full moon and I barely got any sleep.

The next morning I was actually excited to go to school so that I could talk to Chris. I felt like we were on the same wave length and had the same thinking pattern.

Side note* In the next chapter it will skip a week ahead and there maybe more time skips in my future writing because writing down four years worth of school would be boring. So if you read a chapter then the next chapter has a time skip it means nothing exciting happened that was big enough for me to write about. Thanks for understanding.

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