The best people

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Dear Diary,

It's been a week of me going to school and I'm enjoying it. Chris said that when I'm ready that he will introduce me to some cool people that he knows. I'm sort of nervous but if he says that they are nice then I believe him. My parents have been acting weird lately and every time I ask what's wrong they change the subject. I worried that they are planning something big for my birthday that's in 9 days. I asked them not to make to big deal out of it but since I'm turning 15 they said every birthday should be special. Well I will let you know how meeting the new people goes on my next writing entry. Sincerely Angel.

Angel's pov.

I quickly grabbed me a snack for breakfast before heading out the door to run to the end of the driveway. The bus rounded the corner not a minute later to pick me up. I stepped into the bus and walked down to my seat where I would sit with my friend.

Today we talked about our favorite hobbies, sports, and movies. We arrived at school and he walked me to a round table with a few people sitting at it. They were talking about Pokémon and the different types they had.

I knew then that we would probably get along well. The only other girl at the table besides me was a girl named Christine. We became friends fast. The other boys that were sitting at the table besides Chris was a boy named David, and a boy named Ethan.

We all became friends that day and I finally felt like I fit in somewhere. I found out that me and Christine had some stuff in common. We both liked Pokémon and most importantly we both liked food.

I told my new group of friends that my birthday was in 9 days. I had never told anyone at my old school that because I didn't have any friends. That was one thing that I didn't tell them was that I had bad experiences in my old school.

I didn't want them to think I was weak or anything like that. School was over to fast and I had to get on the bus to go home. I talked to Chris about how I liked those people and that I'm glad he showed me to them. I told him that I felt accepted for who I am instead of having to change for someone else.

I arrived home and told my mom about all my new friends and that I was happy. My mom just nodded her head and told me that supper would be done in a hour. When I looked into her eyes it was like they were full of sadness and that she could cry at any moment.

I didn't ask because I didn't want to pressure her or make things worse. I went to my room and pulled out my drawing notebook. I grabbed my pencils and started drawing a dragon. Once I was done with the drawing I took my sharpypen and finished the out line.

Next I opened one of my boxes that I still hadn't put away and dug out my color pencils and pens. I was about to start coloring when my mom yelled and said supper was done. I quickly jumped up and went to eat. I quickly ate everything on my plate and ran back to my room.

I finished coloring my drawing and finished a background in 2 hours. I put it nearly in my binder so that I could show my friends tomorrow. I still had an hour and a half before bed so I decided to finally put my boxes away.

That night I was woken up by loud screaming. "I JUST CAN'T DO THIS ANYMORE! I DON'T WANT A FAMILY ANYMORE! I WANT TO LIVE MY LIFE AND SEE THE WORLD!" It sounded like my dad.


I wanted to walk out there and tell them to stop but I know that wouldn't work. I just sat there listening to everything that was going on.

After 20 more minutes of them screaming I heard my mom tell my dad to just pack his stuff and leave. I guess he listened because not 10 minutes later I heard the front door slam.

I quietly opened my door and saw my mom sitting in the kitchen crying. "Mom?" I asked.

"I'm sorry." She said. I could tell she was very upset.

"Why did dad leave?" I asked.

"I really don't know. I wish I knew why. I'm just so sorry." She said.

"Will he ever come back?" I asked.

"I don't know. Maybe one day he will realize that he made a mistake but until then I don't think so." She said.

"Do you think he will still come for my birthdays and holidays?" I asked.

"We will just have to see. Now go back to bed, you have school tomorrow." She said as she wiped her eyes and went back to her room.

I slowly walked back to my room and stared at my ceiling. I didn't get much sleep for the rest of the night. The next morning I was slow and sleepy. I hope I wake up soon so that my friends don't ask questions.

I don't think I could tell them what's going on yet. I just feel like they wouldn't understand. I quickly ate some toast and headed out the door. The cool wind outside helped freshen me up so hopefully I don't look sleepy.

I guess it didn't work like I had planned because as soon as Chris sat beside me he asked, "What's wrong?" He was still able to tell that something was wrong. I sat there and debated wether or not to tell him.

"Well..." I started off.

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