New student and New problems

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Dear diary,

Dave and I have been dating for close to a year now. We are both sophomores now and my mom said something special will happen this year. I have put my dad out of my mind since it's evident that he isn't coming back and that he doesn't want to talk to me. It's a month till my birthday and that's when I'm supposed to receive a great surpise. I can tell that my friends are already scheming something for my birthday. I wish they wouldn't make such a big deal out of it but they are my friends so I don't mind as much. I have to catch the bus so I'll write later. Sincerely Angel.

Angel's pov.

Dave and I walked down the hallway holding hands. We had all but one class together. The teachers knew about us and never separated us. The days with him went by pretty fast but the weekend's went by slow since I was home alone. My mom has to work two job shifts in order to pay all the bills. Once I can drive I can apply for a job to help out too.

Weeks went by and so it was time for my birthday. This time they were all where I could see them. Each of them told me what would happen today and showed me what they could do.

Dave has the power of speaking to animals, Christine has the power of levitation, and Chris has the power of weather manipulation in small scales. They said if I start to feel sick just tell the office and they will understand. I waited and waited until in my last class I started to feel sick.

I ran out and to the office. They took to a quite room where I could rest. I sat down to catch my breath. After a few minutes I felt myself shrinking. It hurt but tingled at the same time.

When my body was done moving on it's own I looked in the mirror and saw a beautiful midnight black wolf with white speckles like stars. I padded around and tried my new body out.

I can't wait to show my friends. All my friends gathered together at the park. I showed them how I could transform into a wolf. "Wow." they all said. "Can you turn into anything else?" Christine asked. "Not that I know of." I said.

When I arrived home I showed my mom and she was stunned. She showed me that she has the power of invisibility. We quickly sat down after show and tell to eat my cake since she had to leave for work soon.

I knew something was wrong the next day at school when Dave wasn't waiting for me like always. I went to find my other friends but they were missing too. I finally made my way over to the crowd of students. They were all listening to this new girl.

"I hope we can all be friends and get to know one another." The new girl said.

Everyone clapped and cheered for her. I finally was able to push my way to where my friends were standing. "What's going on guys?" I said.

"There is a new girl named Katie and she just introduced herself." Christine said.

"She seems nice." Dave stated.

"I wonder if she needs some friends to hang out with?" Chris asked.

The bell rang before I could say anything else. I thought I wouldn't see her any more but she was in every class that I had with my friends.

It really escalated at lunch time. When I grabbed my tray and headed to my seat, I was surprised to see the new girl sitting between Christine and Dave. I couldn't believe she had the nerve to steal my seat.

I walked closed and cleared my throat. She turned, looked at me, and said, "Is there a problem?" She asked sweetly. Her voice was like nails on a chalk board for me.

As calmly as I could I said, "Your in my seat." I started to tap my foot. "You can sit by me." Chris said.

"No! I always seat between Christine and Dave so that is where I want!" I said gritting my teeth.

"It's okay. I'll go sit somewhere else. I don't want to split you guys up." She said with a small pout on her face.

She got up and went to sit alone at another table. "You could have just sat in another chair! You didn't have to be so mean." Dave said.

"You all know that this is where I sit everyday. She could have sat anywhere else!" I said as I took my seat back.

"It's just a seat! Now look at what you did she is sitting there all alone!" Christine said.

"I'm going to go cheer her up." Chris said as he got up and went to sit with her.

"So am I." Said Christine.

"Wait for me." said Dave as he followed them.

I sat there and watched them walk away. I couldn't believe they just abandoned me. I was no longer hunger so I stood up angrily and through the food away. I went outside since I needed some air.

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