who's at the door?

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I see adym,
Clear as day..I stand in shock, waiting for him to say "hello"
So, then I break the silence and I say "adym?"
"Yeah, that's me.." he said winking
"Wow..uhh come on in."
As he walks in the door my eyes follow him, when he sits down I close the door..
I walked to the couch, where Adym was sitting.
"So..surprise?" He said with a big smile
"Yeah...surprise" I say while I give him a hug
"How did you get here?" I asked
"I drove haha..how else?" Adym said
"No, not that..how did you get my address?" I asked
"Your friend, she gave me your address..which was kinda weird, but yeah" he said with a smirk in his face..
"Great..how long are you staying here for?" I asked
"I was planning on getting a hotel room for the next....week? Or so.."
"Awesome..well, thanks for driving here to meet me"
"Your always welcome" he said
We stare into each others eyes, for what seemed like forever...
He leaned in...

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