we find adym?

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We arrive at Stameys after a while.
I was nervous but then again I was ready.
Ready to find Adym..but what if we don't?
That thought took over my mind as we walked towards the resturant.
"Layla, we will be fine..ok?" Sawyer said
"Ok." I say kinda quick
We walk in to smell barbecue and we see people having a great time watching football and drinking beer..it was a typical Sunday afternoon.
We walk up to a cashier and we flood her with questions.
"Hey, how are you?" I say
"I'm fine, how may I help you?" The cashier said.
"We need help finding somebody." I say
"Who would that be?" The cashier says with a concerned look.
"My brother..Adym." sawyer says almost cutting me off.
"Adym..? Never heard of him." The cashier said.
"Are you sure, you seem kind of..nervous." I say
"No I'm fine Thanks..but I would leave if I were you." The cashier says
"No we are not leaving yet, until you give us an answer.." sawyer said
"Leave now." Said the cashier
"No..we are not." I said
"JOHNSON" the cashier said, calling someone.
A tall man with a lot of muscles walked up and gave us *the look*
"How may I help you, Kathy?" Johnson said to the cashier.
"Escort these kids immediately." She said
"What did they do?" Johnson said.
Kathy *the cashier* whispered into Johnsons ear.
And Johnson said "go."
"Who are you?" I ask
"I'm the manager, who are you?" He said
"I'm a 20 year old girl trying to find a guy named, Adym. Thanks for asking." I say with a little bit of attitude
"Who is this guy?" Johnson says pointing to Sawyer
"I'm Sawyer. Adyms stepbrother."
"Go now." Johnson says
We leave with hope that maybe just maybe..these people are involved with Adym dissappearing.

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