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Ok so i finally got home just in time. My brother was there looking a bit sad. "Blitz what's wrong?" i asked "I didn't get the job..." he said "JK I GOT IT!!!!" Yay!!!! "What is the job for?" I asked "I get to travel all over the world and work with the biggest businesses of the world!" he exclaimed. We were so happy, but then Blitz's smile turned into a frown.  "what's wrong?" Blitz paused. ".....i leave first thing tomorrow.." my smile turned into a frown as well. "Well i better get some sleep." He said "Yeah" so we went to bed. 

Blitz woke me up the next day and i helped him with his luggage, "Are you sure you can take care of yourself on your own?" He asked YEP! I hugged him and waved goodbye. he then drove to the airport. I was watching a movie lots hours later when he skyped me. 

B: Hey Dashie!

R: hey Blitz!

B: Guess what, I'm going to Fiji! 

R: Cool!

B: Just got off my first flight, and about to go on the second one!

R: Ok! Bye Love you!

B: Love you too bye!

I was waiting a whole day for Blitz to skype me like he usually does when he is away. But nothing. I heard the doorbell. FUCK WHAT IF IT IS SOARIN! I opened it and it was one of Blitz's uni friends, "Hi" i said. she paused. then she finally said something Rainbow Dash, your brother Rainbow Blitz........ died

To Be Continued.....

Authors Note

Sorry for the short chapter, i tried to make this as dramatic as i could stay tuned!

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