Chapter 1- The Beginning

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In the beginning they had a tentative contact and Copter was absolutely and painfully shy while Kimmon was as always over the top aggressive. However as time went on, they both felt the barriers break and with every appearance they made together the connection became stronger. As of lately though Copter felt that the friendship they initially aimed for was giving way to something much stronger and warmer.

Copter didn't know about how Kim is feeling but for him it is getting unbelievably hard to not see or hear from Kim anymore. He knew in this head that he most probably setting himself for a world of hurt and he knew very well it would destroy him but his stupid heart would not have any of it. Heart does what heart wants.

However unknown to everyone else Kimmon was going through his own personal dilemma. He was the first one to arrive at the studio of their agency and found out that Copter was not in town so he would not be coming to the studio, instead he would come straight to the airport. This completely put the damper on his day. When they went to the airport he was not there as well and Kim's anxiety increased 10 fold every 5 minutes that pass without a sign of Copter.

"So P' Oh, what would happen if Copter couldn't make on time?" he asked his manager trying to sound nonchalant, but it sounded lame even to his own ears. He was too worried and concerned to pull off being cool.

"We cannot cancel all the tickets but it is alright to cancel 1, so we would board the plane and ask Copter to change to the next available flight." He said with a shrug as if it would explain everything.

Kim gasped "No way, no, that will not happen. I will not let him go on a plane by himself. I will also stay back then, get the tickets on my own money if I have to." Kimmon said vehemently and rushed out of the terminal before anyone could stop him.

"Kim.... Where are you going?" Bas called out but his friend was already gone. "What just happened right now?" he asked no one in particular and everyone at the same time.

Kimmon rushed out and went up to the viewing area where he had to purchase a ticket with his own money so he could look at the entire down floor and he would be able to notice once Copter comes in. He was anxiously waiting for the sight of one boy and he could hear people murmuring all around him. He knew that he is playing a dangerous game because if the fans gets to know that he was on the viewing deck they would be there in a heartbeat. 'Come soon Copter. Where are you?' he was talking to himself.

In his worried state he almost missed the entrance of the said boy and the sense of relief that filled his whole being was too much to handle and he called out "Copgi" and was just about to run down to get Copter before he caught the sight of the lady following his on-screen love interest.

"Copgi" Copter heard his name being called and looked around to see who has called out. It sounded like Tee but in the loud airport it was difficult to place the voice.

'oh shoot his mom' Kim thought to himself again and in a split second changed the direction he was moving and rushed into the terminal and dragged on Tee's hand. "He is at the main entrance just next to the ticketing counters go get him please" he was pushing the other boy out of the room and his erratic behavior was getting more than a raised eyebrows which was lost on him anyways.

"Why do I have to go? You go get him" Tee protested and stopped dead on his tracks

"I can't go, his mom is there with him. Please brother, before the fans surround him go get him will you. I would give you anything you ask for, just please do this one for me" he was pleading with his co-star.

"Ok ok you crazy person" Tee frowned at Kimmon and walked out of the terminal in the direction Kimmon mentioned.

Kimmon was standing with his face pressed against the glass partition in the terminal room, while the rest of his cast and the management gave each other worried glances.

Copter's mother walked up to him and touched his hand "Was it Tee who called your name? I can't see any of them. There are too many fans surrounding us." She said. Copter's mom and sister accompanied him to the airport but they will not be joining him this time. This left Copter a bit worried because he always had the extra safety of having his mom around.

"I don't see them either ma" he was trying to sound a bit steadier than he felt but he was not sure it was good enough to convince his mom. "Are you sure you won't be able to come with me this time?" he asked he looked at his mom and gave her a pitiful pout. His mom touched his face and hugged him sideways.

"You know that you don't even have to ask me sweetheart. I would be the first person to come if I could. But this time I can't. You know that your sister needs me here with her and it's only fair." She held her son's hand and said looking into his sullen face "I am worried too baby, but you do have to learn to get things done on your own too, it's for the best anyways" she hugged him again and Copter nodded his head accepting the fact that he would not be able to convince his mom to come with him for this tour of China.

"Hey Copgi, swadikap aunty" Tee came and held Copter by the elbow. He was excited as a puppy as always. Cop was a tiny bit less worried because at least Tee was there at the moment.

"Where were you? I was looking for you all over the place. How did you see me here?" Cop asked as he turned to follow Tee after bidding goodbye to his mother.

"We were inside the terminal. We didn't see you at all. It was Kim, he saw you and came to us like a crazy monkey and pushed me out to get you." Tee said as he guided the younger boy towards the terminal entrance. "He is a crazy one you know Copgi" he added smiling.

"So... Kimmon saw me but he didn't come to get me. Why did he send you? He could have come get me instead of dragging you into it." So this was what's bugging him. A sudden realization hit him like an 18 wheeler truck on the freeway. 'Is that what's been bothering me? That Kimmon didn't contact me in the morning? Can't be now can it' he was thinking up a storm and the crowd disappeared as they came into the terminal and his breath went out in a whoosh as something hit him from the side.

"You didn't see me....ME... ! How could you not? Everyone saw me but you!" Kimmon was holding him by the arms and shaking him. Copter was momentarily confused as to what's been shouted at him. "I was waving my arms like a crazy person and the whole damn fandom was laughing at me and you didn't see. I need answers" he said again.

"Where were you? I didn't see honestly... and stop shaking me" he said and shook Kim's hands away. "If you saw me then why didn't you come and get me? I was worried that no one was here." He said pouting at Kim.

"I was on top of that stairwell and come get you? Your mom was there, I wouldn't come" Kim said with a mock shudder. "Oh.. did I hurt you? My shaking, did I hold your arm too tight?" he was pulling Cop's shirt sleeves up to examine the arm to see if his handling had left them bruised. "Oh they are all red, does it hurt?" Kim looked at Copter's face and asked. Copter's heart sped up at the concern he saw in the older boy's face. Kimmon's thumbs were softly rubbing at the reddened spot and Copter felt a flush warming his cheeks as he shook his head no.

"Ok guys that's our flight being announced. Let's go in best of luck" the management said out loud that broke the two boys apart. As Copter gathered his belongings and followed the others to aboard the flight when he felt someone's eyes on him and turned to find Kimmon's eyes staring at him. The strange thing was that this is not the first time he caught Kim staring at him. It has become a common occurrence as of recently. Cop smiled and Kim wouldn't even look away even after Cop caught him red handed.

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