Chapter 7- Odds against us

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//** The usual thing the cast and the characters do not belong to me and all that I write is in my imagination blah blah blah all errors I made, I take full responsibility and I hope you enjoy reading this as much as I enjoy writing**//

Kimmon stood up and walked to the bathroom and closed the door softly. He walked to the bathtub and sat on the edge. His heart was beating so fast he thought he was having a heart attack. Aunty? he said and he couldnt even talk around the lump in his throat.

You didnt answer my question Copters mother said.

Kimmon was trembling and his mind was reeling. Do I tell her the truth or lie about it? What would Copgi think if I lied? It would hurt him he didnt want to hurt Copter and this feeling they share was too precious and pure to be lied about. It is not just fan service, aunty, I am in love with your son he said and it was such a weight off his shoulder to say it out loud to someone. He thought he heard a gasp at the other end and it was not giving him a good feeling in his heart.

No, dont say that, you will not do this to my child she said on the other side and it pierced Kims heart. The pain the words caused was so severe, it was physical. He doubled over and kneeled on the bathroom floor as he barely held the phone to his ear. I knew you were up to no good, I saw this coming, that is why I kept my son close to me. You were planning this for so long and I couldnt be with Copter this time and you took that opportunity to corrupt my innocent child. Kimmon could hear tears in Copters mothers voice and he found his nose blocked and tears flowing down his face uncontrollably. She was blaming him for what exactly, he was not sure, he loves her son and would cut his own heart out for that boy, why is she saying these things to him. I will not let you do this, stop this nonsense and leave my child alone, I will not tell you again the call ended as abruptly as it started. Kimmon laid on the tiled floor and cried silently. His whole body was in excruciating pain and he had no strength to even pull himself to a sitting position. Why does she think that I am corrupting him? I treasure him, I worship the ground he walks, I love him that much he was weeping uncontrollably.

Kim? Bas called as he saw the light in the bathroom and muffled noises coming from within. He got up slowly and walked towards the bathroom and listened and rushed inside when he heard the wracking sobs coming from it. He found Kimmon lying on the floor still holding the phone to his ear and weeping. Oh my god P, what happened? he rushed and knelt next to the crying boy and helped him get up. P Gxxod! he shouted for his co-star and Gxxod came running into the bathroom.

He gasped at the sight and quickly came to where the other two boys were sitting and put a comforting arm around Kimmon. P what happened? he asked

Give me a hand Nong. We have to get him to the room first Gxxod said as he lifted the crying young man to his feet with the help of Bas. They got Kimmon lying on his bed and covered him with a blanket because he was shivering. Kim, please tell me what happened he was talking to Kimmon as if he was a 5 year old.

Just then Kimmons phone rang and all three of them looked at the caller ID and Kimmon moaned as he saw it was Copters mother once again. He answered the call and put the phone to his ear with a trembling hand. Aunty? his voice was barely above a whisper and the tears came in torrents.

Im surprised that you didnt stoop so low as to change rooms and get Copter to sleep with you. I expect you to handle this as an adult and not tell Copter about any of this. He would not be able to face the fan meeting tomorrow if you upset him. She disconnected the phone and Kimmon once again crumbled into a weeping mess. His whole body shook with wracking sobs.

Oh my god Bas said as he hugged his crying friend. Both He and Gxxod heard what Copters mother said and they now understood the reason for Kimmons distress. P Kim, she must be worried about Copter. That is why she is like this. We all know that she is very protective of Copter and she doesnt know you well enough to understand what you feel. So please stop crying and give it some time, we will be able to sort this out in due time. But tomorrow is a big day; you cannot be like this and go in front of the crowd Bas sounded a lot wiser than his years and Gxxod agreed with him.

I would rather die than hurt Copter, you guys know that right? I have been loving him for so long and suffering alone but I would never rush him. I love him so very much, I dont think I would be able to stay away from him without losing my sanity Kimmon covered his face with the back of his hand and let the tears fall.

We know that, and what is more, Copter knows all this and he loves you just as much Gxxod said as he slowly brushed Kims hair. He would not let you go that easily, Im sure of it. He can be a little firecracker when he want to be he said which brought a watery smile to Kimmons face. Gxxod gestured Bas to bring a towel from the bathroom and he nodded and walked away. He came back carrying a warm towel and gave it to Gxxod who gently pulled the hand covering Kims face and wiped the tear streaked face. Try to sleep for at least a while. We will all get together and sort this out ok? I promise this would not be as bad as it looks right now. Gxxod said and Bas nodded in agreement. Kimmon sighed and turned away from his friends and closed his eyes. He was exhausted but sleep would not come easily because his grief stricken heart ached something fierce.

//** I love Copters mom dont get me wrong. She looks after her child and is worried about his well-being.. thank you for the support **//

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