Chapter 2- Confession of sorts

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//** I apologize for the delay... I have been very sick and could not use my laptop... and I also want to tell everyone, this is just a figment of my imagination and in no way that I assume that something like this is going on between the two boys (but i do wish it is real because only thing better than MingKit is KimCop!) ..... I love both MingKit and KimCop to the absolute heaven and back so here you go... 

None of these characters belong to me... 

I don't have a beta, so there might be errors, they are all mine and I am sorry for them...**//

They were seated with Bas in the middle as usual. It was frustrating and reliving at the same time. Having P'Kim sitting close to him was making Copter such nervous wreck. He would be in a perpetual state of blushing whenever P'Kim is close to him. But that didn't mean he wants Bas sitting closer to his P' either. 'My P' ? no no not what I meant' he was quickly discarded that thought or at least tried to.

Kimmon at the same time was fuming through all pores. He loved Bas there was no question about it. He loved his N' Bas, but he wanted, no he needed for Cop to be closer at some point. He needed to take every opportunity presented to him because they were few and far in between. It must be bad karma that someone always come between him and Cop. He glanced at Cop and saw that he was frowning and he seemed a bit flushed too. "Copter are you alright there?" he asked softly and Bas was looking at the two of them in a funny way. 'I don't like how you look at Copter' Kim thought and he was feeling jealous. 'Jealous? Can it be? But why? Why not?' Copter looked at him and smiled which didn't quite reach his eyes.

"N' Bas? Can I sit in the middle? Do you want the middle seat or would it be alright to move to the window seat?" he whispered in Bas' ear with all seriousness and politeness he can fathom and he felt like smacking the youngest actor in the 2Moons cast to wipe away the knowing smile on his face. He saw Copter watching the exchange in his peripheral vision and he raised his eyes to meet his on-screen lover's eyes. He was taken back by the look of hurt and disappointment written in them. He was also a bit worried because he was sure he saw them misted over and gleaming as if Copter was tearing up. He looked at Bas suddenly and said "Move, now" politeness gone out the window. Bas shot up like a rocket and Kimmon was in the seat just vacated by Bas in a flash.

"Copter? Are you alright?" he asked leaning towards the younger boy. Copter glanced at him for a second and paused before nodding his head. "You paused, you are not ok, what is wrong tell me please" Kim put his arm around the younger actor and asked.

Copter looked at Kimmon's eyes and searched in them to make sure that he was sincere. "I wish my Mai was here. I will be all alone this time without her and I don't like to be alone. I am scared P'Kim" he said and his voice was shaking as if he was so close to bursting into tears.

"Alone? Why would you be alone? We are all here with you, I am here with you, I will take care of you" he was definitely going to take care of his Copgi this time. There is no power on this earth which would be able to take him away from Copter's side during the whole of this tour. All the other tours he stayed away because the boy's mom was around and he felt weird to be glued to his side when she was just around the corner, not to mention the sisters, but not this time. 'This time he is stuck with me'

Copter sniffled softly and he was fretting with the cord on his hoodie. "You have to look after N' Bas and P'Tee too would be busy. P' Tae and P' Gotd will not be available either like always." He sniffled again a bit louder and fished his sunglasses from where they were hanging and wore them. "The crowds sometimes scare me. Mai would know to be close to me, but this time.." he trailed off without finishing the sentence and slumped on the seat defeated.

Kimmon was staring at the boy and he saw a lone tear escape the cover of the designer glasses and slide down the smooth cheek. Copter might have felt it because he wiped at it violently smudging the light make-up on his face. Kim hands him a tissue from the pack he is carrying and Copter removes his sunglasses and dabs at his eyes like a small child. Kimmon's heart hurts at the way his breath hitches softly.

"Hey, I was not with you all those times because your mother was always with you. I can't come to you when your mom is there" Kim tried to explain what he has been actually going through during the past FM's.

Copter looked at him with surprise written all over his face. "But why couldn't you be with me, I mean, not be with me... but ..but... I mean at least stay near and what not, at least as fan service" he was embarrassed with the mixed up words and hoped that P' Kim wouldn't catch up on it. Then the realization hit him of what Kimmon said and he looked at him with wide eyes "Because of my Mai? But why? She likes you and everyone else is alright with her. P' Tee loves her like his own mother and you obviously don't have a problem with N'Bas' mother" he said frowning.

Kim looked deep into Copter's beautiful eyes and thought hard if he was going to tell the truth. 'Would I lose what little connection I have with him?' he was thinking and he could see the flush rising in the younger boy's face and his eyes misting over once again. 'he is thinking the worst case scenario, dammit I need to set this right, I am only hurting and upsetting him more' he came to a decision. "I have a secret that I hide from you Mai and whenever she looks at me I feel that she can see right through my facade and see the thing that is hidden deep in my mind" he said and watched the hurt turn to confusion on Copter's face "and I can talk to N' Bas' Mai because he is like my little brother and there is nothing hidden in my heart concerning him" he said and he had to gulp in order to clear his dry throat for he was so nervous at the moment waiting for Copter's reaction.

"What are you hiding?" he asked and got a thoughtful look on his face where Kimmon realized that he was trying to figure this confusing confession from his onscreen boyfriend. He gasped at once and covered his face with his hand and said tearfully "You d.. don't like me... is that the b.. big secret? That d..don't like me so much and d..disgusted by me you can't even be near me" tears were now spilling over and his lips quivered breaking Kim's heart into a million tiny pieces...

'Oh shit' Kim thought...

//** this chapter.. I promise the next will not take this long... **// 

Heart does what heart wants...Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ