Chapter 8- Hide behind façade

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//** The usual thing the cast and the characters do not belong to me and all that I write is in my imagination blah blah blah all errors I made, I take full responsibility and I hope you enjoy reading this as much as I enjoy writing.. Even though the previous chapter was sad and it pained me to write, it was absolutely essential for the storyline I promise it wont be sad for long**//

Kim had never had a problem getting up early, he was an early riser anyways and throughout his carrier he had worked so hard to get to where he was right now. Following his heart he was jeopardizing all that he worked so hard to achieve. But he was doing it without a second thought because that is how much he cared for Copter and how much he loved him. He knew how competitive and difficult to get a footing in the industry in Thailand. There was always someone waiting in line if you messed up to take your place. He knew how Copter had tried to get this current role and he would NEVER do anything to take it away from him. He didnt know how he can hide what he was going through from Copter because the younger boy is fine tuned to Kimmons mood changes.

He woke up earlier than his roommates and took a scorching hot shower trying to wash away the exhaustion and the ache in his body. No matter what he did his heart would not be healed by anything he does. He did his routing dressing up in the selected clothes and wrote a note on the writing pad on the night stand for Bas and left the room. He needed to clear his head in preparation for the fan meeting. As he was walking down the corridor his phone pinged alerting him of an incoming text. Usually his phone was the most priced possession he had and he would never be part with it. However right now it was the most feared object he owned and he cannot simply handle another call or a message from Copters mother. He took the phone out and took a deep breath prepping himself for the worst but when he saw the text it hit him harder than any scolding or insult thrown his way by Copters mom. Kimmon stopped walking and had to lean on the wall to steady his bussing head. The text was from Copter and it was to say good morning to him and it was the sweetest message he had ever received from the boy and it could not have come in a worst time.

Cop: Good morning my handsome prince. I missed you throughout the night :( cant wait to see you.. *kiss kiss

Kimmon slid down the wall and sat on the floor. He didnt think he had anymore tears to shed but of course they came, the traitorous losers he said to himself and wiped at his eyes furiously. This was going to be a disaster if he couldnt get his emotions under control. He bowed his head and took several deep breaths and prayed to all deities for strength to face today and most of all to face his beloved and get both of them through the day without a hitch. He had to send a reply to Copter, He must be waiting for me to send a reply he thought and opened his messages to type the message.

Kim: Good morning my Copgi, I am on my way to the makeup already. I missed you too and see you soon.

Cop: ME TOO!!! Come soon then

Kimmon was hoping to get to makeup before Copter get there because he looked horrible and he didnt want to or cant explain why he was in such a condition. But why would that happen to me, if this bad luck streak continued the fan meeting was also at risk. He thought to himself and it would all be my fault he sighed and got up from where he was seated and made his way towards the makeup room.

As Kimmon got to the makeup room he was stopped at the entrance by P Oh and P Jane and they took one look at his face and knew something was not right. Oh my god Nong, what ever happened to you? P Oh asked with worry written all over his face.

Kimmon didnt want to tell them and looked down shaking his head. Bas called me, I know what happened. What are you going to do Nong? What do you want us to do? P Jane asked toughing his shoulder slightly and that caring touch brought all the emotions to the top which he tried so hard to keep inside. He blinked his eyes a few times to get rid of the moisture gathering at the corners.

Please dont let Copter know about this, lets just get today done and over with. I have no idea what I am going to do anymore, all my plans, hopes and dreams are gone. Kimmon looked at the 2 managers smiled sadly. Both elders felt their hearts squeezed at the raw emotion shown on the younger boys eyes.

Kim took a deep breath flexed his shoulders and shook his head. At the end the mangers were surprised at the total change in his face above and below, I am an actor after all, If I cant pull this off, no one can. I did very hard to get to where I am today Ps and I might as well make some use of the skills I gained yeah? he smiled and opened the door to the makeup room. P Oh and P Jane looked at each other in absolute devastation to see what Kim had to endure in his short life. Finally when everyone thought he was happy, something really bad had to happen to put the damper on that.

//** So another one down, this one was such a difficult chapter to write I had to be in their heads and feel their pain.. it was so taxing and exhausting.. couldnt even write it in one go.. had to take several breaks in between.. tell me what you think of it.. thank you for the support **//

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