Chapter 11- I'll take the pain and be happy for you

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//**The cast and the characters do not belong to me and all that I write is in my imagination all errors I made, I take full responsibility I hope I am not offending anyone by using the name of Kims real girlfriend, I searched on the internet and trolled his IG to find her name but all I could find was her IG handle, so I am using that and as far as I know she is his very much CURRENT GIRLFRIEND and there is nothing EX about her.. This is all make up story Penultimate chapter my dearies huge climax awaits. I hope you enjoy reading this as much as I enjoy writing**//

Kimmon literally carried Copter from the van to the hotel room he was staying and laid him down on the bed. Copter whines and held fast as Kim tried to take his hand away from the sleeping boy. Let me take off your shoes baby, then you can rest easier he bent down close to Copters ear and whispered. Copter got a dreamy, soft smile on his face and loosened his arms so that Kim could free his arms. Kim stood up and looked at this boy who had completely taken control of his heart without even trying. How do I live without you my baby Copgi? Can you move on without me? I really dont want to let you go and I dont want you to move on from me. I want you to fight the whole world for me, for my love, for our love Kim felt the warmth of his tears on his face and he briskly wiped them away. He knelt down and took off Copters boots and socks, with a soft caress of the foot now exposed. He couldnt take his eyes away from the sleeping boy and his whole heart and soul filled with love and warmth closely followed by excruciating pain, with the realisation of their fate. He was brought back from his revere by the soft touch on his shoulder and he looked up to find the concerned faces of Tae and Tee.

Do you want to stay with him tonight? We can make some other arrangement for us. P Jane suggested it and told me to ask you Tee said and Kim thought he had been crying or near tears with the red rimmed eyes and flushed face. Tae didnt look any better and at that moment Kimmon realized that he had actually hit a jackpot in friends when he got selected for the role in 2 Moons.

He shook his head sadly No that would not be good for Copter. I dont want anyone saying anything bad about him and I dont want to give him any false hope either, because it is painful enough as it is without making it worse. he said as he stood up from his position on the floor and brushed his knees Ill g to my room now, you guys should try and rest a bit too. Early morning flight departure wont allow a lot of time for a good nap he hugged the two friends and left the room.

Kimmon wondered the halls aimlessly and tried to clear his head enough to at least catch a short nap but he was not getting anywhere with that plan either. He was so tired but his head was working overtime. At these final moments before his plan to let go of Copter, he was still thinking of a way to turn it around and salvage his love. But he was not finding a way and it was driving him up the walls. He sat on the sofa facing the eastern sky and watch the dawn rise another day and his heart weep in pain. He stayed up the whole night without a wink of sleep he was going to lose the most important person in his life and he was going to give up his happiness and love for the one he loves. The worst thing was that Copter didnt even know what was happening and it will hit him like a tonne of bricks all at once. Kimmon hoped and prayed that Cops mom would be there to take care of his baby and help him recover.

The flight was uneventful and the journey through the airport was as usual a bit of a hassle. However due to the previous days event where Kimmon lost his cool, the security was a bit more vigilant and strict than normal. Kimmon sat next to Copter in their designated seats but refrained from too much PDA (Public Display of Affection). The entire group was in a sombre mood on behalf of the two guys in an awkward situation.

Copters mom was waiting for them when they came out of the main exit and as soon as he saw her, he ran towards her and they hugged. Copter wanted the comfort his mom provided because he has been under a lot of stress in the past few days because of P Kims mood. He was worrying himself sick thinking what might be bothering his P. He was trying to think back to make sure he has not done anything to upset Kimmon but he always came empty and it was so frustrating.

Kimmon watched as the mom and son embrace and he was feeling the devastation setting in. He knew that Copter was worried and upset about him and there was nothing he could do to ease the feeling without making the whole ordeal much worse. So far everything was going according to his plan and he hoped it continues that way.

They walked their separate ways at the exit and Kimmon was dragging his feet. He knew where Copters mother has parked her car and he knew where his ex-girlfriend, Sprite has parked her car and waiting for him to make an appearance. He was so pre-occupied with all his mental turmoil he didnt hear anyone approaching behind him until they caught his arm and he came to a jerking stop.

You didnt even say good bye Copter said and his voice shook with held up emotion. He didnt want to appear too desperate in public, but he couldnt think rationally for he was in so much pain. Why are you doing this to me? You are hurting me P Kim! he said in a childish voice and the red rimmed eyes overflowed once again and Copter swiped at his eyes furiously.

Honey? Kim? Sprite said as she came from the other side and touched Kimmons face.

Kimmon glanced at her for a moment and turned back towards Copter only to find him looking at him open mouthed and tears flowing down his face uncontrollably. Copter held his hand against his heart as if in pain and the eyes Kimmon fell so easily in love with now looked so devastated and lifeless.

Copter couldnt stay there anymore and he turned automatically and walked the other way blindly. His vision was obscured by the tears flowing without his control and he felt so sad and heartbroken, he felt faint. He has never been in this much pain ever in his life and he didnt know how to handle this. He had his hands touching the space in front of him and first solid object he came to contact his legs gave way and he dropped to the floor of the parking area in a heap of sobbing mess.

Kimmon saw Copter fall and every cell in his body screamed and strained to go to the boy and take him in his arms but he couldnt do it. Sprite, I owe you one. I want to meet p Jane and P Oh so I need to go to the office right now. Can you drive me there please? he said to his ex-girlfriend. She nodded and he appreciated that she never questioned him about what was going on. She took him by his arm and walked towards her car.

Copters mom came running towards her child and as she saw the state Copter was in she started to have doubts about her decision. She was impressed by how Kimmon had kept his word and walked away from her child no matter how much it hurt and destroyed him.

Copter was weeping. But it was not enough to purge the hurt that consumed him whole. His body felt spent and lifeless and his head was about to burst in to pieces. He needed this to go away and for Kimmon to come back running and scoop him up like the way he does on the stage sometimes and make the pain go away. He felt his mom pull him up and walk him towards the car and he sat down and he couldnt understand what was happening anymore, all that he could see and hear was Kimmons girlfriend calling him Honey and touching his face softly he is mine, you cannot touch him like that he screamed in his head. The car started and the radio came on playing the worst possible song that could play at the time. Life is so cruel sometimes.

Stone cold stone cold

You see me standing

But Im dying on the floor

Stone cold stone cold

Maybe if I dont cry

I wont feel anymore..

Stone cold baby

God knows I try to feel

Happy for you..

Know that I am..

Even if I cant understand

Ill take the pain..

Give me the truth

Me and my heart..

Well make it through

If happy is her

Im happy for you..

(Stone Cold- Demi Lovato)

Copter screamed in pain covering his ears and broke down in wracking sobs.

//** Last Chapter would be uploaded on Monday or the very latest Tuesday... Doc appointment on the weekend.. sorry for the wait.. I promise I make it worth the wait... Sorry for all the pain and angst long chapter... thank you for the support **//

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