Chapter 3- The real confession

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//** So here is the next chapter as promised... I keep on repeating that I do not imply anything by pairing Kimmon and Copter except that I love them whole heartedly and they are my favourite couple in 2Moons... all that I write is fiction..

Still don't have a beta and if there are errors I take full responsibility...

I do not own any of these characters..**//

This is going down-hill faster than Kimmon can correct it and Copter crying even though in silence was drawing unwanted attention from all direction. P'Oh was glaring at him and asking him what's going on and there is not answer for him to give.

"Copter, don't cry ok. Let me explain it to you, please hear me out before you jump into conclusions." He said as he gently put his hand on the crying boy's shoulder.

Copter jerked as if he was burned upon contact. He was going to stand up but the seatbelt was keeping him in place. Copter knew that if he stood up suddenly he would create a scene in the plane and P' Kim would be in the hot seat. He didn't want that, no matter how much it hurt he would not want Kimmon to be blamed. He cared for the stupid handsome man, even though he didn't. so he slowly cleared his throat and wiped his face and with all the strength in him he calmed himself anf willed his trembling fingers to cooperate with him in unbuckling the seat belt. But it was taking too long and his strength was running low. A involuntary sob escaped and suddenly Kimmon's hand closed around his on the seat belt buckle.

"What the hell are you doing?" Kimmon was angry and it further upset Copter. He was shaking uncontrollably and tears were filling his eyes blinding him instantaneously. "Stop this nonsense, and listen to me, and listen carefully and get it into your thick skull". Kimmon was losing his cool because this idiot boy doesn't want to give him a chance to explain himself. He let go if Copter's hands and tilted the younger boy's face to look at the over flowing eyes. As he laid his eyes on the beautiful face now contorted with pain all his anger disappeared. He held the tear soaked cheeks in both his hands reverently and wiped the tears with his thumbs. "Listen to me you foolish child" he whispered softly and affectionately which gained Copter's full attention. "You and your stupid brain took it all wrong. I don't dislike you or disgusted by you, actually it is quite the opposite." He felt his cheeks flush and Copter was now staring at his eyes in amazement. Kimmon held his stare and nodded slowly "I like you so damn much I can't even hide it anymore" he said and handed all things he kept in his heart for so long, on a silver platter to the boy in front of him.

Copter felt his cheeks flame with a new type of emotion he couldn't even place his finger on. He couldn't look at P' Kim anymore so he averted his eyes looking at his still trembling hands. He was trying to understand what Kim said at the same time trying to figure out what he was feeling. His whole body was aflame and his heart was trying to break out of his chest. His skin tingled and he was feeling light headed, this emotion was new, he has never felt this before. 'Am I embarrassed? No, I have been embarrassed before, it was not like this' he concluded.

"Cop, please say something" Kim was on pins and needles waiting for the boy's reaction to his bearing his soul. 'What is he thinking?' he needed a drink or ten; he needed to totally get wasted and not face this nerve wracking situation at all.

"Something" Copter said so softly he wasn't even sure if he said it out or it was just a thought. 'Even though I can't put a finger on the feeling I am having right now, I know that I am happy, extremely so' and he was feeling shy beyond anything he had ever thought possible. He was smiling even without realizing and his cheeks hurt.

"What? What did you say my Copgi?" Kimmon leaned closer to the younger boy and asked softly and at the same time watched Copter's eyes go wide at the endearment and his flush got worse than before if that was even humanly possible.

"What?, you said to say 'Something' so I said it" Copter said shyly and covered his face with his hands because his cheeks were on fire.

Kimmon laughed out loud startling everyone around them and Copter slapped his hand and mouthed "Stop" without sound. Kim threw his arms around the younger boy's shoulders and hugged him closer to his body and tucked Copter's head into his chest. "You little smartass, I want to eat you up." He said as he placed the most precious and the feather soft kiss on the sweet smelling hair and he heard the most adorable and blessed response in the soft giggle Cop made as he held fast the lapels of the leather jacket Kimmon was wearing and burrowed even closer to him.

//** a shorter chapter... this time... but tooth decaying sweetness... thank you for the support **//


Heart does what heart wants...Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ