Chapter 4- Caution to wind

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//** The usual thing... the cast and the characters do not belong to me and all that I write is in my imagination... blah blah blah... all errors I made, I take full responsibility and I hope you enjoy reading this as much as I enjoy writing**//

There was so much to be discussed, so many things said and heard, but now was not the time for that. Now was the time for all the missed chances and heart ache, from being out of reach and having people keeping them apart. Now was the time for all those moments their hearts yearned to touch the other and be held. Kimmon was doing just that as he held the boy tight and felt the soft hairs against his cheek. To Copter's credit, he was not too keen to let go either and that more than anything made the older boy happy.

"Do you need more privacy? I could just go somewhere else?" Bas said mischievously and ruined the moment.

Kimmon glared at the youngest actor and said "Shut up, don't ruin this moment" in mock anger as he felt his cheeks heat up. He felt Copter stiffen in his arms and pushed lightly off his chest. "See now you did it, I hate you so much right now." He said to Bas and the younger boy laughed with glee.

"You don't have to do anything on my behalf P' Cop. Go back to cuddling with your hubby, he is in a foul mood, don't mind me" he shouted and covered his head as Kimmon hit him with the soft bear a fan has given him.

"Stop. Teasing. My. Baby." Kimmon kept on hitting Bas and tickling him creating a huge commotion. Copter was blushing something furious and when he heard Kimmon call hims baby he nearly died and covered his head and face with his hoodie and groaned as if in pain.

"Guys... cut it out" P' Oh said and the boys settled down in their seats and all was quiet.

"Take a nap, there is plenty of time to reach Shanghai." Kimmon said touching Copter's hand discreetly in order to avoid getting teased by Bas. However he knew his efforts were futile because he heard the snigger from the other side. "Stop snooping on us you perverted little brat" Kimmon said looking at Bas and both boys sitting either side of him started to giggle uncontrollably. "If you don't stop, I will kiss you" he turned to Copter and said and that silenced the boy immediately. 'Gotcha' Kimmon thought laughing to himself.

Copter's eyes widened when P' Kim said he was going to kiss him. Maybe he didn't mean it right at this moment but knowing Kimmon, he was capable of carrying out a threat like that; therefore he would not challenge him, now. 'Now' Copter was wondering why he added that little bit to the thought at the end. 'So is it alright if he kisses me later? Oh god ' he was aghast at the thought.

"A penny for your thoughts" Kimmon whispered in Copter's ear startling him out of his daydreaming. Copter turned towards Kimmon suddenly and their faces were merely millimetres apart. They held each other's gaze for a minute too long before Copter turned away blushing so furiously Kim thought steam would come out of ears. "Hey" he called out softly and Copter looked up at him. The honestly and the sincerity in that look rendered Kimmon speechless for a moment. "You should take a nap my Copgi, you must be exhausted after all the crying and blushing" he said teasingly which earned him a slap on his arm. "Seriously though, if blushing was an Olympic sport, you would be the Olympic champion" he said trying to get a reaction out of Copter and was rewarded with another slap on the arm. Kim patted his shoulder and said "At your service, you highness" and smiled encouragingly.

P' Kim was asking him to lay his head on his shoulder and Copter was torn inside being indecisive of what he should do. Copter looked at his face for second and Kim made a kissy face and Copter decided to throw caution into wind and do as he suggested. He laid his head on P' Kim's shoulder and closed his eyes tuning out the whole world.

"Wakey wakey sleeping beauty" Copter felt more than heard the words spoken so close to his face and slowly raised his eyes towards the sound and met with Kim gazing down at him with so much emotion in his expressive eyes. When they met each other's eyes, Kimmon's dark eyes started to glisten with happiness and warmth.

Copter was too comfortable the way he was and he didn't want to move. As he took stock of his posture he found out that during his nap he had moved practically onto Kim's lap and someone, most probably Kimmon, had folded the arm rest between them so as to make it easier for him. Copter had been hugging Kimmon's hand while using his shoulder as a pillow and it was no wonder he was so comfy. "Mmmm" he made a sound to let Kimmon know that he was too comfortable to get up and snuggled even further plastering his entire side to Kim's side. As he did that he heard Kim groan which made him smile wickedly. 'Serves you right for tempting me' he thought happily as he closed his eyes again.

Kim was squirming in his seat and screaming internally 'oh my god what is he trying to do to me. Breath deep breath deep brother Kim' he gave himself a pep talk as he groaned. He felt Copter's hold on his arm tighten once again and the boy snuggled even further with a happy sigh. "Hey you little tease; I will make you pay for this mental and physical anguish you put me through. I will remember this." He said softly into the Copter's ear and felt the boy giggle.

The PA system came on and announced to fasten the seatbelts and Copter straightened and stretched himself glancing at Kimmon teasingly and patted the older boy's shoulder "Thanks for the pillow, had a good nap even though it was a bit too bony" he said with a mocking smile.

Kimmon was struggling to control himself against the cuteness and cockiness of the boy next to him and fearing the worst. "You, pretty boy, are going to regret the cockiness very soon, I promise this and if you know me at all, you know that I always keep my word." He said pinching Copter's cheek making him laugh out loud pushing him away. "Put the seat belt on kiddo. We are just about to land" Kim said in all seriousness and pulled down the armrest so Copter can get ready for the landing. "Stay close to me at all times. There will be a large crowd, even though the security is tight, I want you to stay close to me so I can look after you. Ok?" he double checked Copter's seat belt and patted his hand. Kimmon was nervous; crowds of virtual strangers did that to him. But this time it was worse than the previous times and that was because of the added responsibility of taking care of his baby.

The plane landed and they disembarked, they were transported to the main terminal in the shuttle and as they neared the building they could see the fans, hoards of them holding placards and LED signs with their names on them. Kim felt Copter come closer to him and holding on to his jacket. He looked at the younger boy and smiled encouragingly and said "So it begins, stay close, I love you" with that he took a deep breath and stepped out of the shuttle, ahead of the group in to the circle of impressive looking security personnel keeping the sea of fans at bay.

//** So another one down, I'm not even sure how many Chapters I'm going to have.. let's see how it goes, shall we... **//

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