Chapter 6- Moving into Love

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//** The usual thing the cast and the characters do not belong to me and all that I write is in my imagination blah blah blah all errors I made, I take full responsibility and I hope you enjoy reading this as much as I enjoy writing **//

The meeting to brief them about the final scripts and acts were discussed and changed, the boys were actively participated in the discussion as well and that was a relief. Copter was tired but the nap on the way over was a bit of a help. He was also glad that the management and the organizers agreed to get the boys opinion on the acts they have to do on stage as fan service. Copter was glad because sometimes the games made him a bit uneasy and scared, but this time it was fine it seems. There was another reason for him feeling over the moon. P Kim was with him all the time and that made him so happy and excited. The butterflies in his stomach were getting wilder and bolder. It was not even that his P Kim was with him, but he was always touching him and every time he touched Copter his butterflies took flight and he was left lightheaded.

This meeting was unending and he was running low on patience and energy. My Copgi needs to rest, why are they dragging this for this long Kimmon was getting antsy and was just about to walk out of the meeting with Copter on tow. He sighed for the billionth time and scooted closer to Copter and touched his knee under the table. Every time he touched the younger boy, he felt his body shudder and Copter would blush smiling shyly. This kept him going on; the pink tinge on the beautiful face of the boy sitting next to him was feeding his resolve to see the end of this discussion.

Ok thats about all, anything else any of you want to add P Oh said and Kimmon shot up like a jack-in-the-box, startling everyone and breaking the tense atmosphere. Ok ok I get it N Kim, you guys can go eat at the buffet and go to bed. Room allocation is as usual. Kim, Bas, Gxxod in one room and Copter, Tee and Tae in one. He said. Throughout the journey he noticed something different happening between Kimmon and Copter and at this announcement it was further proven to him with the crest fallen look on the faces of the culprits. Young love is so beautiful and pure he thought. This change in the boys relationship was beautiful and worrisome at the same time.

It was like a kick to the balls, he would have been so happy if they were staying in the same room. However, it was better this was too. Copter most probably is not ready for sleeping in the same room with him, Yet He thought with a smirk. He looked over at Copter and he could not read the emotion of his face except it was more confusion than anything. No, not gonna bother about this. I need to feed my baby first, he must be starving he though as he took hold of Copters arm and pulled him up to stand up. Come on, on your feet baby boy, lets get your tummy filled he said and Copter giggled as Kimmon wrapped his arm around the younger star and made his way towards the buffet.

Copter couldnt stop looking at Kimmon and he caught the older boy staring at him more than a few times and he was flirting so shamelessly every time their eyes met. Copter was shy and excited like he had never been before. This was all new to him, attraction, the excitement, the need and the feeling of fulfilment was almost too much to bear. They were seated next to each other in the dining table and they were constantly touching. Kimmon took every chance to feed little morsels to Copter and enjoyed it immensely. Copter was wrapped up in the affection showered upon him and the safety and comfort it provided.

Kimmon was dragging his feet as he walked Copter to his designated room. He did not want to part from Copter, not for the night, not for ever. To his credit Copter didnt looked too thrilled of the prospect either. This was bringing inhumanly possible amounts of joy to the older boy because it means that Copter didnt want to leave him as well and he had enjoyed the time spent with Kim.

As they reach the room Tee and Tae was already in the room and Kim stopped Copter at the door. I dont want to leave you he said to the younger boy and Copter looked at him sadly and nodded. But it is too soon right babe? Kimmon continued. He yawned so suddenly it startled them both and they just broke into chuckles. Ok then Id better get going, goodnight sweetheart, sleep well ok he leaned down touched his beloveds face lightly and placed the softest of kisses on Copters forehead with all the love he could muster.

Copter did a full body shudder as Kimmons lips brushed his forehead and he felt loved and treasured. He stepped back and looked up to meet Kimmons eyes and made a resolve. He threw his arms around the taller boys neck and kissed his lips. Oh god what has come over me Copter was embarrassed beyond anything he had ever felt in his life. His whole face was on fire and Kimmon was standing stock still with a look of amazement plastered on his face. Copter giggled and closed the door in Kimmons face.

Kimmon didnt expect this at all. It came out of nowhere and hit him out of the ball park. He kissed me, oh god and before he could make sense of anything happening the door closed in on his face.

They tried to sleep but failed miserably. Half of the night was spent on the boys checking the phone and replying to messages of sweet endearments and heart ache of being separated this early in their love. Kim realized that Copter was much bolder and funnier on texts than he is face-to-face.

Kim: Are you a sleep baby?

Cop: Yes, I am dream chatting with you..

Kim: I cant sleep, I miss you :(

Cop: oh my poor baby. Do you want me to sing you a lullaby so you can fall asleep?.

Kim: I can think of better things to do than lullaby.. ;p

Cop: oh! Maybe a snack?

Kim: Yeah, a snack in the shape of you

Cop: Well that will be tasty.. but will not do much good for your sleeping situ. ;-)

Kim: Why not?

Cop: You would be too FULL and too tired after SNACKING on me ;p


He is terribly shy in person and on text he is a terrible tease and Kim wanted to run to the room and punish the boy for teasing him.

Cop: LOL

Cop: *yawn I need to try and get some rest, you too so lets just try ok baby? I miss you too.. :(

Night night, sweet dreams, but only dream of me.. *kiss

Kim: yeah sleep well baby, ILU

As Kimmon laid on his bed and read and re-read the messaged sent by Cop and his phone rings almost stopping is his excitement and haste to answer the call, he failed to notice the caller ID. Hello he said cheerfully, expecting to hear Copters voice on the other end. But it was not his Copgi, it was a woman and he was having a horrible feeling in the pit of his stomach.

Kimmon tell me what I see on social media is not really happening and the two of you are into heavy fan service and nothing more the stern voice was setting a vice like grip around his heart.

This is not happening Kim thought and he sat bolt upright on his bed fearing the worst..

//** So another one down, sorry again for the delay, Im not even sure how many Chapters Im going to have, most probably 10.. This chapter was not happening much, but the end is the beginning of the end of all things good there will be things to comelets see how it goes, shall we thank you for the support **//

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