halloween chapter!

282 23 104

[jimin busts through the door, dressed and had make up done like james charles]

jimin: hey sisters!

[yoongi dressed as a blunt]

yoongi: wow you decided to be something really scary this year

[namjoon dressed as a gram of weed in a miniature ziploc baggy?¿]

namjoon: nah i think taehyungs is scarier

[taehyung has adulthood written across chest]

yoongi: truuuuu

yoongi: but jins...

[jin has IRS written on his chest]

jin: what can i say? im creative af

hoseok: i think i put the most effort into mine

[hoseok didn't put any effort into his costume, he has a sheet laying by his side with holes poked where his eyes go]

yoongi: what the fuck dude

hoseok: what? at least im not out here looking like a cinnamon stick

yoongi: for ur information its a blunt

jungkook: lol 420

yoongi: what the fuck are you wearing jungkook

[jungkook is a coconut]

jungkook: i looked so much like a coconut

[panel zooms in]

[turns to face the camera]

jungkook: i became the coconut

namjoon: i smoked so much weed

[namjoon does the same thing]

namjoon: i became the weed

jin: stfu and go pay ur damn taxes

namjoon: korea has to pay taxes?..

jin: wow that iq of 148 aint really helping you huh

jimin: boo!

[yoongi screams like a girl]

jimin: ...

yoongi: ...

jimin: yoongi.. are you...

yoongi: ?...

jimin: a bitch?..

taehyung: technically you're the bitch since you're the one dressed as one.

jin: eXcuSe me

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