happy 4/21

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namjoon: text your dealer already jackson is on his way

yoongi: you actually invited him?!

namjoon: yeah?? i told u i was going to 😡

yoongi: okay well uninvite him

namjoon: thats rude though.

yoongi: okay.. but.. does it look like.. i care??

namjoon: okay well u uninvite him.

yoongi: youre the one that invited him though???

namjoon: youre the one who didnt stop me from inviting him

yoongi: .

namjoon: .

yoongi: i i i i i i i i ill just message my dealer...

yoongi: [types in his phone]

namjoon: what u tell him

yoongi: i told him we want that gas

namjoon: where we going lol

yoongi: tf u mean where we going??

namjoon: well why you need gas for ??

yoongi: you fucking idiot not that kind of gas !

namjoon: ????

yoongi: gas is another name for weed. you buffoon.

yoongi: i think u shouldnt smoke... its damaging your brain cells..

namjoon: why it not damaging yours then

yoongi: bc they cant damage what i dont have ^_^

namjoon: so..

namjoon: youre a idiot.

yoongi: i dare you to say that one more time

namjoon: what are you gonna do? neck me? as if you can reach !

namjoon: ill stomp on you before you can hit me.

yoongi: .

yoongi: im uninviting you from smoking.

yoongi: begone.

namjoon: dude. we deadass LIVE together

yoongi: yeah i know we've been living together for like 7 or 8 years.

namjoon: . why do u always have to mention how long we've been living together

yoongi: idc lol issa habit

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