What they do on your birthday❌

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Requested by: Punzi1

He would cook for you and have you both eat in the living room so you could open up his gift and watch your favorite Netflix series

Wait for you to go to work and when you come back he'll hide in the bedroom with all the lights turned off and have you go upstairs and find him you'll will usually find him on the bed looking as if he done nothing while he's facing the door when you closed the door and walked towards him he would pin you to the bed and make out with you while he slips a ring on your finger he does this every year but it still surprises you since each time his in a different spot

He would leave little notes with cute little sayings that would lead to you towards the hill by the park under this big tree that easily correlates with the seasons are in The Fall it's different colors red and yellow during the summer it's pink leaves like a cherry blossom with apples under it and obviously during the Spring its green anyway the notes would lead you there as he waits with a picnic that has all your favorite foods

He would have you go on a scavenger hunt as he sets up different party decorations and gifts and tell the others and throw a party turns off all the lights and wait for you to come back which isn't a long wait since by the time his done and everyone's there you would be putting up into the driveway

Different gifts and sex what? I never said all of them were cute

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