What they do on Halloween❌

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You guys all look just like go trick or treating with the rest of the guys but not before James explains their schedule and safety rules and how inappropriate some of your costumes are but then again that's James for ya

You guys go to masquerade ball Halloween parties he usually dresses you up as a princess and he goes as a prince you guys do this a lot and you go to the same party every single year everyone there even though they can't see your face know you was prince and princess

You guys stay inside and watch scary movies even though Sam knows you have a slight fear of jump-scares he promised that he will protect you from anything that jumps out the TV

You and Matthew along with other guys go trick or treating you guys enjoy the fact that when you go to houses people think that your little kids which means more candy and it doesn't look as weird plus the guys enjoy taking adorable pictures of you both

You and Damien go trick-or-treating but instead you both enjoy dressing up you guys like going to the costume store and playing around with some of the mass and looking at the candy bags along with buying a few and you guys would dress up as adorable little characters and give out candy the kids of course after trick or treating

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