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So, I'm quite busy this week and was not able to keep up with my schedule, and for a while will be quite busy as well, so I'm giving Contest 9 and extension!

You have until October 11 to create your cover!

I'm so sorry I am not updating as much, I have had a lot of volleyball to do, homework and tests. I know a lot of people will be like. "Oh, but volleyball isn't as important, and it's not like they make you do everything every single day."

Well, this week, I do have volleyball almost every day, and might in the future. This is just for you to take a glimpse at what I did this week for volleyball, just so you know I did/do have a reason:

Monday = Practice

Tuesday = Game

Wednesday = Practice

Thursday (today) = 2 games

Friday = finish all my homework.

That's just what I'm doing so if you were wondering why I'm so busy. I as well have my other books to handle, the tests at school and such, and since Thanksgiving is coming up (where I live) I have to be getting ready for that too.

I hope I haven't let you down.... 

All the luv,


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