Contest 19 {Closed}

212 15 19

This contest is for calloipe

Anything in bold is a must on your cover, anything with a * is important.

*Type: Wattpad Cover

Title: All That Glitters

Subtitle: is not gold, but it might as well be (optional, it's continued from the title, and it would be great if you could fit it in!! bonus points if you do and it still looks nice)

Author: Lexis

Genre: Fantasy

(The following is from calloipe)  Synopsis: "I thought mermaids were women," Freya frowns, leaning over the hull to catch a better look of the mermaid, or merman, other than a faint shimmer of scales under the water and a fanged smile in the dark.

The merman laughs, sharp canines glinting slightly in the night. "Now that's a gender stereotype if I've ever heard one." He squints at up at her, before saying, "And I thought pirates were men."

She grins, teeth bared in a challenge. "Now that's a gender stereotype if I've ever heard one."

《 includes:
one sassy mermaid
one sarcastic undercover pirate
one century-old princess
one (or perhaps more) curse(s)
two wars
five fairytale retellings 》  

EVERY HISTORY LESSON starts with this: There were four kingdoms.

There is the North, chilly in summer and freezing in the winter, known for the elves and sirens that haunted the frozen foliage and cold seasides. They were warriors, the elite among the four kingdoms, well built and sureness present in the swing of their swords.

The South, all neverending plains and shrubby grassland, were known for the chimeras and basilisks. Recognized as hunters and scavengers, the people were the silvertongues with the slippery fingers of a well-versed thief; and the type you had to watch your words and actions around.

The East, with its tropical forests, was known for the dragons that tended to make forest or lakeside caves their homes. The people themselves were the finest of craftsmen, wood and clay their expertise. Adept at fading into the more physical aspects of their environment, they were the stealthiest of assassins when in the terrain they were comfortable with.

The West, cool night air and shadows slipping through the night; famous for the unicorns and pegasi that could be found roaming the grasses and skies. The people, with their characteristic blue eyes, had the uncanny ability to read emotions, and were sometimes known to practice divination.

But that was all in the past. With the Changeling war fought and having ended in a truce, the fae had decided they were done meddling in human affairs. The mermaids and sirens melted into the seabeds and rocky seaweed pools, the elves and goblins seeking refuge in the trees, the dragons retreating into their caves, basilisks slithered into damp rotted logs, and the unicorns and pegasi disappeared into the foliage and clouds. With them, went several old traditions. Magic began to fade, until those who could still practice it were so rare they began to be called Enchantresses and Enchanters. Some royals were usurped, the new ones with hard eyes and frowning mouths so unlike the softness and kindness of old royalty.

With so many changes, it was no surprise another war came and stayed for a decade.

Freya was but a child when she was taken from the sirens she had grown up with by the High Enchantress and brought to the castle of the East, who had been fighting the war against the South.

When the East lost, as the oracle had predicted, the royalty escaped with the help of several servants. Freya never quite knew the old royalty, but she remembered enough to know they were much better than their Southern replacements. Raised as a soldier and taught to keep her gift hidden, a gift reminiscent of the sirens, Freya has never left the castle grounds since the day she was carried in.

When a letter from their old King and Queen reaches them via raven, Freya is sent on a mission to find their missing High Enchantress, the last piece needed before an all-out rebellion can begin.

Character description: Freya is a redhead, and she's got heterochromia — meaning her right eye's icy blue while the other's a murky greenish-grey. Her fringe tends to fall over her right eye though, and she wears her hair in a messy braid most of the time. It'll be great if you could incorporate those, but of you can't it's alright :)) I don't have any face claims for her as of now, but she's got a little freckles too, and her personality is really cheerful, bubbly, sarcastic. She relies on instinct a lot.

other:if you could incorporate the sea/ocean (she's a descendant of ariel), maybe a little pirate flag or ship, or anything related to pirates, along with a raven if you could, it would be awesome! (bonus points are given for those :))

For the first place winner which I'll use, I'll provide credit in the description of the book!!

*Deadline: 6 pm, December 27th, 2017 (MST)

*I won't be putting up entries on the 25th, you can still submit them, but I won't put entries up till the 26th.


Please comment that you are joining!

Graphic Contests! {Closed}Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora