Rememberance Day Contest {Closed}

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November 11th, Remembrance Day. As you know, this day is coming up, this Saturday actually. Maybe some of you don't celebrate it, but I do, and I take it very seriously. We get to remember those we have lost during a war, or we get to be reminded of those who fought for us.  I know not every country celebrates this, but you, of course, can join in this day to remember.

~ Lest We Forget. ~

So This is your task:

Anything in Bold is a must on your cover and anything with a * is important.

Create a graphic that has to do with Remembrance Day.

Title: None, or Make one up.

Subtitle: Lest We Forget, or make one up.

Author: Your user (and mine if you want... but don't have to.)

*This doesn't have to be super sad or anything. 

*Please, remember that we have a younger audience (your judge is a "younger audience) so be aware of what you put on your graphics.

*Deadline: 11 AM, November 11th (MST)

Don't forget to comment 'Joining' or 'I'm in' if you decide to participate.

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