The Year Of 2017 - Results

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3rd Place


This year I discovered Sabrina Carpenter and completely fell in love with her music! I was distraught when I could not find any of her albums in England

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This year I discovered Sabrina Carpenter and completely fell in love with her music! I was distraught when I could not find any of her albums in England. (No idea why!) But luckily, I have incredible parents who bought them internationally for Christmas! Her music has inspired me and I have no idea how I ever lived without it and I find myself listing to her daily. My favourite song is 'eyes wide open' which is why I made this piece of graphics! To make it I had to use over 7 different images, which took me over an hour to edit and I have officially ran out of storage on my device!

I really liked this graphic along with the what you chose to say. I liked the story behind your reasoning as well. I think you could've elaborated a little more on it, on how it really changed your year, in a good way. (as it seems) Other than that, great job!

2nd Place


Thus year has been wonderful

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Thus year has been wonderful. I have paid attention to music and art and seen things I've never seen before. I've opened up and given more effort in school and I have really enjoyed this year. Just keep calm and Sing like no ones watching.

I really enjoyed your cover and the title you chose, "Music To My Ears," I like how you said what you've paid more attention to art and music and how you're seeing things in different ways. I especially love your ending. Just Keep Calm and Sing Like No Ones Watching. That's what I do every day. XD 

1st Place


Here it is! I feel like I should explain how this is related to 2017

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Here it is! I feel like I should explain how this is related to 2017. This year I became obsessed - REALLY obsessed with pastel colours. Seriously, pastel notebooks, pastel wallpapers, pastel clothes, all things pastel! But it's not something I regret though, they're such pretty colours. The scribbles for the colours are intentional! I thought of this because I didn't want to cliche the title (i.e. 2017, Yay 2017, etc.) :P

I loved the graphic. Kinda random, but to me, it shows me who you are, someone random. If that makes sense. In a good way. I like how you chose something like pastel colours, not something I was expecting. I love how you elaborated on something you loved instead of something that was life changing. (I guess in a way finding out what you love is, but in a different way.) 

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