Contest 22 - Results

47 7 2

Honourable Mentions


I liked the cover

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I liked the cover. How there was one little bright flower and the rest wasn't the same. I think the title could've been a little more visible, but other than that, good job!


I really liked this cover

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I really liked this cover. I think the title could've stood out a little more, or the background could've been a different colour possibly? It is still good though!

3rd Place


I thought this was great, I love its simplicity, the minimalist style of it

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I thought this was great, I love its simplicity, the minimalist style of it. The fonts were great too but I feel like there could've been a bit more shading perhaps? colour? a bigger image or a different one? The sword is good though! It's great, good job!

2nd Place


I really loved this cover, especially since I'm a big fan of Descendants so I adored it, the style and everything

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I really loved this cover, especially since I'm a big fan of Descendants so I adored it, the style and everything. I loved the darkness of it and all of it, the font, the overall design. I think in a way, the pictures don't match up, like one seems to be from Descendants 1 and another from Descendants 2. Other than that, good job!

1st Place


I loved this cover, it is beautiful and the girl matches Kalika from the story, she's just a little older looking for a 14-year-old

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I loved this cover, it is beautiful and the girl matches Kalika from the story, she's just a little older looking for a 14-year-old. I think the word Captured could've been in a bigger font, at least the 'aptured' part. I liked the font and how it matched the style and the background too. I see that you are very careful with your work as you took the time to actually read the book a little because the girl is pretty much exactly how I wrote it. Amazing job!

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