Note (In Use)

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This week, I will be extremely busy. So many b-ball games and practices as well as getting homework done and studying and such, plus getting ready for the ski trip.

1girlx2lives   knows what I'm talking about.  

I won't be there from the 7th of February to the 9th of February too so I can't accept entries either. Entries may come in at that time, but I won't be able to post it. 

I'm going to do something, I know it is mean, but it's a must. If you are constantly going. "You forgot my entry" in the comments while I'm gone. I 'm not going to use your entry because it's annoying. It just means you weren't reading this info.

I advise that if you post an entry, please, please, please pm me a link to the chapter/entry. If not, It may get lost in my things. You can tag me in comments and in the ch too. Or dedicate. I'll be sure to get it then.

It'll be a very busy week.

Thanks for your patience!

Tell me which you prefer if you've read this: Snowboarding, Snowshoeing, or Skiing?


If this note says in use, it means you should read it if you haven't yet. If not, then don't but be on the look out.

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